Observe Consul service mesh traffic
In the previous tutorial, you secured external access to your application's service mesh with Consul API gateway.
In this tutorial, you will configure and use Consul to observe traffic within your service mesh. Observing service traffic helps you understand how services interact with each other and effectively debug service traffic issues.
Consul supports the Grafana monitoring suite so that the metrics collection configuration can automatically scale when you deploy new services. That way, you do not need to manually add new scraping endpoints for every new service you deploy.
In this tutorial, you will:
- Create configuration files for the Grafana agent tool.
- Start the Grafana agent on all Consul nodes.
- Review metrics visualizations in the Grafana Dashboard.
- Review metrics visualizations in the Consul UI.
Because this tutorial is part of the Get Started on VMs tutorial collection, the following workflow was designed for education and demonstration. It uses scripts to generate agent configurations and requires you to execute commands manually on different nodes. If you are setting up a production environment you should codify and automate the installation and deployment process according to your infrastructure and networking needs. Refer to the VM production patterns tutorial collection for Consul production deployment considerations and best practices.
Tutorial scenario
This tutorial uses HashiCups, a demo coffee shop application made up of several microservices running on VMs.
At the beginning of the tutorial, you have a fully deployed Consul service mesh with Envoy sidecar proxies running alongside each service.
By the end of this tutorial, you will have metrics collection running on your Consul nodes and will be able to visualize metrics in both the Consul UI and a Grafana dashboard.
If you completed the previous tutorial, the infrastructure is already in place with all prerequisites.
Login into the bastion host VM
Terraform output provides a series of useful information, including bastion host IP address.
Login to the bastion host using ssh.
$ ssh -i certs/id_rsa.pem admin@`terraform output -raw ip_bastion`
Verify Grafana agent binary
Check each of the client nodes to verify the Grafana agent is installed.
- Frontend:
- API:
- Database:
- API gateway:
For example, to check Grafana agent installation on the Database VM, log into the Database VM from the bastion host.
$ ssh -i certs/id_rsa hashicups-db-0
Verify Grafana agent binary is installed.
$ grafana-agent --version
agent, version v0.44.2 (branch: HEAD, revision: 132c9ac06)
build user: root@buildkitsandbox
build date: 2025-01-29T16:28:02Z
go version: go1.22.11
platform: linux/amd64
tags: netgo,builtinassets,promtail_journal_enabled
Repeat the steps for all VMs you want to monitor.
Configure environment
The tutorial creates all the files in a destination folder. Export the path where you wish to create the configuration files for the scenario.
$ export OUTPUT_FOLDER=/home/admin/assets/scenario/conf/
Make sure the folder exists.
$ mkdir -p ${OUTPUT_FOLDER}
Source the env-scenario.env
file to set the variables in the terminal session.
$ source assets/scenario/env-scenario.env
Configure the Consul CLI to interact with the Consul server.
$ export CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR="https://consul-server-0:8443" \
export CONSUL_HTTP_SSL=true \
export CONSUL_CACERT="${OUTPUT_FOLDER}secrets/consul-agent-ca.pem" \
export CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN=`cat ${OUTPUT_FOLDER}secrets/acl-token-bootstrap.json | jq -r ".SecretID"`
Verify your Consul CLI can interact with your Consul server.
$ consul members
Node Address Status Type Build Protocol DC Partition Segment
consul-server-0 alive server 1.20.2 2 dc1 default <all>
gateway-api-0 alive client 1.20.2 2 dc1 default <default>
hashicups-api-0 alive client 1.20.2 2 dc1 default <default>
hashicups-db-0 alive client 1.20.2 2 dc1 default <default>
hashicups-frontend-0 alive client 1.20.2 2 dc1 default <default>
hashicups-nginx-0 alive client 1.20.2 2 dc1 default <default>
Configure Grafana agent
You can configure the Grafana agent to collect several types of data from your VM. In this tutorial, you will configure these data types:
, to define a collection of Prometheus-compatible scrape configs that Grafana Mimir will store.logs
, to configure how the Agent collects logs and sends them to a Grafana Loki push API endpoint.
Generate configuration for Grafana Agent
This tutorial and interactive lab environment use scripts in this tutorial's GitHub repository to generate the Consul configuration files for your client agents.
The script requires a few parameters to work correctly:
to place the generated files.PROMETHEUS_URI
to push metrics to.LOKI_URI
to push logs to.
$ export OUTPUT_FOLDER=/home/admin/assets/scenario/conf/; \
export PROMETHEUS_URI=`getent hosts mimir | awk '{print $1}'`; \
export LOKI_URI=`getent hosts loki | awk '{print $1}'`
With these variables configured, generate the Grafana agent configuration.
$ ~/ops/scenarios/00_base_scenario_files/supporting_scripts/
[] - - Generate configuration for Grafana agent
+ --------------------
| Parameter Check
+ --------------------
[WARN] Script is running with the following values:
[WARN] ----------
[WARN] ----------
[WARN] Generated configuration will be placed under:
[WARN] OUTPUT_FOLDER = ~/assets/scenario/conf/
[WARN] ----------
Parameter Check
+ --------------------
| Generate Grafana Agent configuration
+ --------------------
Generating configuration for consul-server-0
Generating configuration for hashicups-db-0
Generating configuration for hashicups-api-0
Generating configuration for hashicups-frontend-0
Generating configuration for hashicups-nginx-0
Generating configuration for gateway-api-0
Review Grafana agent configuration files for the agents that will run on your client VMs.
$ tree ${OUTPUT_FOLDER}monitoring
|-- grafana-agent-consul-server-0.yaml
|-- grafana-agent-gateway-api-0.yaml
|-- grafana-agent-hashicups-api-0.yaml
|-- grafana-agent-hashicups-db-0.yaml
|-- grafana-agent-hashicups-frontend-0.yaml
`-- grafana-agent-hashicups-nginx-0.yaml
1 directory, 6 files
Copy configuration to client VMs
Copy configuration to consul-server-0
$ rsync -av \
-e "ssh -i ~/certs/id_rsa" \
${OUTPUT_FOLDER}monitoring/grafana-agent-consul-server-0.yaml \
The output is similar to the following:
sending incremental file list
sent 821 bytes received 35 bytes 1,712.00 bytes/sec
total size is 687 speedup is 0.80
Copy configuration to hashicups-db-0
$ rsync -av \
-e "ssh -i ~/certs/id_rsa" \
${OUTPUT_FOLDER}monitoring/grafana-agent-hashicups-db-0.yaml \
The output is similar to the following:
sending incremental file list
sent 954 bytes received 35 bytes 1,978.00 bytes/sec
total size is 821 speedup is 0.83
Copy configuration to hashicups-api-0
$ rsync -av \
-e "ssh -i ~/certs/id_rsa" \
${OUTPUT_FOLDER}monitoring/grafana-agent-hashicups-api-0.yaml \
The output is similar to the following:
sending incremental file list
sent 957 bytes received 35 bytes 1,984.00 bytes/sec
total size is 823 speedup is 0.83
Copy configuration to hashicups-frontend-0
$ rsync -av \
-e "ssh -i ~/certs/id_rsa" \
${OUTPUT_FOLDER}monitoring/grafana-agent-hashicups-frontend-0.yaml \
The output is similar to the following:
sending incremental file list
sent 972 bytes received 35 bytes 2,014.00 bytes/sec
total size is 833 speedup is 0.83
Copy configuration to hashicups-nginx-0
$ rsync -av \
-e "ssh -i ~/certs/id_rsa" \
${OUTPUT_FOLDER}monitoring/grafana-agent-hashicups-nginx-0.yaml \
The output is similar to the following:
sending incremental file list
sent 963 bytes received 35 bytes 1,996.00 bytes/sec
total size is 827 speedup is 0.83
Copy configuration to gateway-api-0
$ rsync -av \
-e "ssh -i ~/certs/id_rsa" \
${OUTPUT_FOLDER}monitoring/grafana-agent-gateway-api-0.yaml \
The output is similar to the following:
sending incremental file list
sent 951 bytes received 35 bytes 1,972.00 bytes/sec
total size is 819 speedup is 0.83
Start Grafana agent on VMs
Log into each client VM and start the Grafana agent.
Start Grafana agent on the Consul server
Log into consul-server-0
from the bastion host.
$ ssh -i certs/id_rsa consul-server-0
Start the Grafana agent.
$ grafana-agent -config.file ~/grafana-agent.yaml > /tmp/grafana-agent.log 2>&1 &
Exit the SSH session to return to the bastion host.
$ exit
Connection to consul-server-0 closed.
Start Grafana Agent for Database
Log into hashicups-db-0
from the bastion host.
$ ssh -i certs/id_rsa hashicups-db-0
Start the Grafana agent.
$ grafana-agent -config.file ~/grafana-agent.yaml > /tmp/grafana-agent.log 2>&1 &
Exit the SSH session to return to the bastion host.
$ exit
Connection to hashicups-db-0 closed.
Start Grafana agent for API
Log into hashicups-api-0
from the bastion host.
$ ssh -i certs/id_rsa hashicups-api-0
Start the Grafana agent.
$ grafana-agent -config.file ~/grafana-agent.yaml > /tmp/grafana-agent.log 2>&1 &
Exit the SSH session to return to the bastion host.
$ exit
Connection to hashicups-api-0 closed.
Start Grafana agent for Frontend
Log into hashicups-frontend-0
from the bastion host.
$ ssh -i certs/id_rsa hashicups-frontend-0
Start the Grafana agent.
$ grafana-agent -config.file ~/grafana-agent.yaml > /tmp/grafana-agent.log 2>&1 &
Exit the SSH session to return to the bastion host.
$ exit
Connection to hashicups-frontend-0 closed.
Start Grafana agent for NGINX
Log into hashicups-nginx-0
from the bastion host.
$ ssh -i certs/id_rsa hashicups-nginx-0
Start the Grafana agent.
$ grafana-agent -config.file ~/grafana-agent.yaml > /tmp/grafana-agent.log 2>&1 &
Exit the SSH session to return to the bastion host.
$ exit
Connection to hashicups-nginx-0 closed.
Start Grafana agent for API gateway
Log into gateway-api-0
from the bastion host.
$ ssh -i certs/id_rsa gateway-api-0
Start the Grafana agent.
$ grafana-agent -config.file ~/grafana-agent.yaml > /tmp/grafana-agent.log 2>&1 &
Exit the SSH session to return to the bastion host.
$ exit
Connection to gateway-api-0 closed.
Visualization security
The metrics proxy endpoint is internal and intended only for UI use. However by enabling it anyone with network access to the agent's API port may use it to access metrics from the backend. With ACLs enabled, the proxy endpoint requires a valid token with read access to all nodes and services.
For this tutorial you will use the bootstrap token to visualize the metrics.
Retrieve it from the environment variable before ending the session.
The environment variables defined for the session will not be available anymore if you exit the ssh session to return to your local machine. If you need to setup your environment again after exiting the session follow the steps listed in Configure environment.
Visualize metrics in Grafana
Grafana agent instances on each client VM are now sending metrics to Grafana. Open the Grafana UI to view the metrics.
This scenario includes Grafana dashboards.
Retrieve the Grafana UI address from Terraform.
$ terraform output -raw ui_grafana
Open the address in a browser.
The HashiCups dashboard shows an overview of the services deployed in the service mesh.
Topology visualization in Consul UI
Consul provides configuration entries that you may use to get a summary of traffic across services, as well as some metrics to get a basic overview of service health.
In order to visualize metrics it is necessary to generate some traffic for your application.
Open the HashiCups UI address. You can obtain it with the terraform output
$ terraform output ui_hashicups_API_GW
Complete a few purchases in the application. Then open the Consul UI and log in using the bootstrap token.
$ terraform output ui_consul
You can retrieve the bootstrap token from the environment variable.
In your Consul dashboard, click Services. Then select hashicups-api to find the service topology page.
Click the Open Dashboard link. The link under the service box opens the dashboard with the service selected for more specific information.
Next steps
Congratulations! You completed the final tutorial in this collection.
Destroy the infrastructure
Make sure you destroy the infrastructure you created for this tutorial.
From the ./self-managed/infrastruture/aws
folder of the repository, use terraform
to destroy the infrastructure.
$ terraform destroy --auto-approve
In this tutorial, you learned how to use Grafana to monitor your Consul service mesh and the services deployed in it.
You now have a distributed system to monitor your Consul service mesh. You can include the Grafana agent and metrics configurations in your VM image. Then you can have your metrics automatically gathered when you add new services to the mesh without the need to edit your monitoring suite configuration.
For more information about the topics covered in this tutorial, refer to the following resources: