Create a Waypoint template
HCP Waypoint templates allow platform engineers to pre-define infrastructure in a Terraform no-code module and Waypoint template configuration. Developers use these templates to create new applications in Waypoint.
Platform engineers can create a template with common infrastructure that complies with your organization's policies for security, finance, scaling, and more. This ensures that any infrastructure that uses the template is properly configured.
Templates serve as a starting point for application developers. For example, a template can consist of a code repository template configured with your organization's default frontend framework, linting libraries, and CI/CD pipelines. Other examples of templates can be a production-ready Kubernetes cluster or backend API framework that is configured for serverless.
HCP Waypoint template and add-on features require access to HCP Terraform's no-code provisioning, and therefore require HCP Terraform Plus or Enterprise.
In this tutorial, you will publish a no-code module to HCP Terraform that creates new GitHub repos with pre-populated code and actions to deploy static websites. Then, you will create an HCP Waypoint template that gives developers safe, self-service access to deploy the no-code module, without requiring them to interact with Terraform or other infrastructure tooling.
For this tutorial, you will need:
- An HCP Terraform Plus or Enterprise account
- A HashiCorp Cloud Platform (HCP) account
- A GitHub account
- (Optional) A Slack channel with Incoming Webhooks configured
Fork the no-code module
The GitHub static app no-code module is a Terraform module that creates a GitHub repository from a template repository, sets up a GitHub Actions workflow to publish a static web application to GitHub Pages, and sends a notification to a Slack channel when the workflow completes.
Fork the no-code repository into your own organization or user space. Then, create a new release with a tag named v1.0.0
. Finally, open the repository in GitHub or clone it locally and open it in your code editor.
Review the module contents
Open variables.tf
and review the module's required variables.
make up the location of the template repository to copy fromdestination_org
is the organization where the new application repository is to be createdgh_token
is the GitHub token withrepo
is the Slack webhook URL for posting messageswaypoint_application
is the Waypoint application name that HCP Waypoint defines when a developer creates an application
The main.tf
file configures the GitHub provider by providing the destination organziation and the GitHub token. It also creates a repository in that organization and enables GitHub Pages in it.
terraform {
required_providers {
github = {
source = "integrations/github"
version = "~> 5.0"
provider "github" {
owner = var.destination_org
token = var.gh_token
resource "github_repository" "gh_repo" {
name = var.waypoint_application
visibility = "public"
template {
owner = var.template_org
repository = var.template_repo
include_all_branches = false
# Enable GitHub pages
pages {
build_type = "workflow"
Next, it creates a README file from a template, substituting in the Waypoint application name and destination organization to render the GitHub Pages URL.
# ...
resource "github_repository_file" "readme" {
repository = github_repository.gh_repo.name
branch = "main"
file = "README.md"
content = templatefile("${path.module}/templates/README.md", {
application_name = var.waypoint_application,
destination_org = var.destination_org
commit_message = "Added readme file."
commit_author = "Platform team"
commit_email = "no-reply@example.com"
overwrite_on_create = true
# ...
Finally, it creates a GitHub Actions environment secret that contains the Slack webhook URL.
# ...
resource "github_actions_environment_secret" "slack_hook_url" {
repository = github_repository.gh_repo.name
environment = "github-pages"
secret_name = "SLACK_HOOK_URL"
plaintext_value = var.slack_hook_url
Publish the no-code module
HCP Waypoint uses the no-code provisioning feature in HCP Terraform to create and delete application infrastructure. To give HCP Terraform access to the module, you need to publish it in the private module registry.
Log in to HCP Terraform and navigate to the Registry page from the left navigation.
Click on the Publish button on the right side of the page and then click the Module button.
Connect to your GitHub account, follow the steps to authenticate, and then select your fork of the static app no-code module repository.
This tutorial uses GitHub as the version control provider but you can use other providers. Refer to the full list of supported providers.
Select the Tag option under the Module publishing type, click on the Add Module to no-code provision allowlist check box, and finish by clicking on the Publish module button.
Set up an HCP Terraform token
HCP Waypoint requires a token to interact with HCP Terraform.
Open HCP Terraform, click on the Settings option in the left navigation, and then click on the Teams option. Click on the Create a team button, enter hcp-wp
in the Team name field, and click the Create button.
Team management is note available in HCP Terraform Free Edition. If you do not see the Create a team button, verify your HCP Terraform organization's plan. Refer to HCP Terraform plans and features for more information.
On the team settings page, under the Organization Access section, select the following permissions:
- Under Project permissions, select View all projects.
- Under Workspace permissions, select Manage all workspaces.
- Under Settings permissions, enable Manage run tasks.
The View all projects permission only gives access to the default project in HCP Terraform. If you want to use an HCP Terraform project other than the default, select the Manage all projects permission instead.
Scroll down and save these changes by clicking on the Update team organization access button.
Click on the API tokens option in the left navigation, and then choose the Team Tokens tab.
Click Create a team token. Under Team, choose your hcp-wp
team and choose an Expiration of 30 days. Click Create.
Click Copy token to copy the token string. You will enter it into HCP Waypoint in the next section.
Configure HCP Waypoint
Take note of your HCP Terraform organization name at the bottom of the left navigation.
Log in to HCP and navigate to the Waypoint page. Click on the Settings option from the left navigation.
Paste the token string from HCP Terraform into the HCP Terraform team token field and wait for the HCP Terraform organization name dropdown to populate with your HCP Terraform organization names, then select your HCP Terraform organization name from the dropdown.
Click on the Save button.
Add module variables to HCP Terraform
HCP Terraform can read values from variables stored in Variable Sets when it starts a run.
Create a global variable set with the following variables and update them with your own values. Refer to the Create Variable Sets page for details.
Key | Value | Type | Sensitive | Required |
destination_org | The GitHub organization to clone the template repository to | Terraform | False | Yes |
gh_token | Your GitHub personal access Token | Terraform | True | Yes |
slack_hook_url (Optional) | Leave this value empty if you do not want to configure Slack notifications | Terraform | True | No |
template_org | hashicorp-education | Terraform | False | Yes |
template_repo | learn-hcp-waypoint-static-app-template | Terraform | False | Yes |
Click the Save variable set button to complete the setup.
Create the Waypoint template
Log in to HCP and navigate to the Waypoint page. Click on the Templates option from the left navigation. Click on the Create template button.
Enter the following information for the template.
Field | Value |
Template name | static-webapp |
Summary | A template for static webapps |
Select the static-app
module from the HCP Terraform module dropdown. The Default Project option will also be automatically selected for you in the Choose your HCP Terraform project dropdown. Click the Next button at the bottom of the page.
Enter the following information for the template.
Field | Value |
Description | A static webapp template that creates a GitHub repository with a GitHub Actions workflow that deploys to GitHub Pages. |
Developer instructions | Use the template below and replace the placeholder value ORG_NAME with your value for destination_org from earlier. |
Labels | static , webapp , javascript |
Developer instructions template
# Static Webapp
Your static webapp repository will be ready soon and contain a GitHub Actions workflow to package and serve the webapp on GitHub Pages!
After the application is initialized in a minute or so, you can access your repository with the link below. It will contain a readme with additional information and a link to the deployed app.
[GitHub code repository](https://github.com/ORG_NAME/{{.ApplicationName}})
Click the Publish button at the bottom of the page.
HCP Waypoint creates the template and redirects you to the template's overview page.
Verify that all of the information is correct. To update any of the values click on the Manage button, then Edit template. Any updates you make to the template definition will only affect new applications created from the template and not any pre-existing ones.
Next steps
In this tutorial, you learned about templates, created a no-code module for a template in HCP Terraform, and created a Waypoint template in HCP Waypoint.
Continue on to the next tutorial to learn how to use a template to create an application.