Running Vault Agent using an existing client token streamlines authentication. This eliminates the need to set up an auth method.
Retrieve secrets for AWS applications with Vault Agent
Retrieve secrets on AWS with Vault Agent. Using Terraform, set up a Vault client running on an EC2 instance. Retrieve an initial token for Vault Agent AWS auth method, then configure response wrapping the token.
Retrieve secrets for Kubernetes workloads with Vault Agent
Install and use Vault Agent on Kubernetes via Helm. Basic usage of the Vault Agent is demonstrated using Kubernetes auth method, then configuring auto-auth and response wrapping of the returned token.
Cache secrets with Vault Agent
Reduce workload on Vault cluster with Vault Agent caching. Cache tokens and leased secets through the agent, avoiding duplicate calls to the Vault cluster. Finally, a demonstration of Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF) protection.
Export secrets as environment variables with Vault Agent
Secrets managed by Vault Agent can be exported as environment variables. Configure Vault agent to export static secrets and then dynamic secrets as environment variable.
Reload secrets after expiration with Vault Agent with .NET Core
Use Vault Agent and Consul template to authenticate to Vault, retrieve database usernames and passwords, generate a configuration file, and reload an .NET Core application each time the database secrets expire.
1hr 30min
Manage secrets wth Vault Agent with Amazon Elastic Container Service
Configure an Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) task with Vault Agent to connect to HashiCorp Cloud Platform (HCP) Vault.