Developing Plugins
Packer is extensible and supports plugins that let you create and use custom builders, provisioners, post-processors, and data sources. This page explains how to develop Packer plugins. Before you begin, we recommend reviewing the Packer documentation and the instructions for installing external plugins.
Warning This is an advanced topic. You should have strong knowledge of Packer before you start writing plugins.
Language Requirements
You must write Packer plugins in Go.
Plugin System Architecture
A Packer plugin is just a Go binary. Instead of loading plugins directly into a running application, Packer runs each plugin as a separate application. The multiple separate Packer plugin processes communicate with the Core using an RPC defined in the packer-plugin SDK. The Packer core itself is responsible launching and cleaning up the plugin processes.
Plugin Development Basics
The components that can be created and used in a Packer plugin are builders, provisioners, post-processors, and data sources.
Each of these components has a corresponding interface.
All you need to do to create a plugin is:
- create an implementation of the desired interface, and
- serve it using the server provided in the packer-plugin-sdk.
The core and the SDK handle all of the communication details inside the server.
Your plugin must use two packages from the SDK to implement the server and interfaces. You're encouraged to use whatever other packages you want in your plugin implementation. Because plugins are their own processes, there is no danger of colliding dependencies.
- Contains all the interfaces that you have to implement for any given
- Contains the code to serve the plugin. This handles all the inter-process communication.
Basic examples of serving your component are shown below. Note that if you
define a multi-component plugin, you can (but do not need to) add more than one
component per plugin binary. The multi-component plugin is also compatible with
download and installation via packer init
, whereas the single-component plugin
is not.
// main.go
import (
// Assume this implements the packer.Builder interface
type ExampleBuilder struct{}
// Assume this implements the packer.PostProcessor interface
type FooPostProcessor struct{}
// Assume this implements the packer.Provisioner interface
type BarProvisioner struct{}
func main() {
pps := plugin.NewSet()
pps.RegisterBuilder("example", new(ExampleBuilder))
pps.RegisterBuilder(plugin.DEFAULT_NAME, new(AnotherBuilder))
pps.RegisterPostProcessor("foo", new(FooPostProcessor))
pps.RegisterProvisioner("bar", new(BarProvisioner))
err := pps.Run()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err.Error())
This plugin.NewSet
invocation handles all the details of communicating with
Packer core and serving your component over RPC. As long as your struct being
registered implements one of the component interfaces, Packer will now be able
to launch your plugin and use it.
If you register a component with its own name, the component name will be
appended to the plugin name to create a unique name. If you register a component
using the special string constant plugin.DEFAULT_NAME
, then the component will
be referenced by using only the plugin name. For example:
If your plugin is named packer-plugin-my
, the above set definition would make
the following components available:
- the
builder - the
builder - the
post-processor - the
Next, build your plugin as you would any other Go application. The resulting binary is the plugin that can be installed using standard installation procedures.
This documentation explains how to implement each type of plugin interface: builders, data sources, provisioners, and post-processors.
Lock your dependencies! Using go mod
is highly recommended since
the Packer codebase will continue to improve, potentially breaking APIs along
the way until there is a stable release. By locking your dependencies, your
plugins will continue to work with the version of Packer you lock to.
Logging and Debugging
Plugins can use the standard Go log
package to log. Anything logged using
this will be available in the Packer log files automatically. The Packer log is
visible on stderr when the PACKER_LOG
environment var is set.
Packer will prefix any logs from plugins with the path to that plugin to make it identifiable where the logs come from. Some example logs are shown below:
2013/06/10 21:44:43 Loading builder: custom
2013/06/10 21:44:43 packer-builder-custom: 2013/06/10 21:44:43 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2013/06/10 21:44:43 packer-builder-custom: 2013/06/10 21:44:43 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2013/06/10 21:44:43 packer-builder-custom: 2013/06/10 21:44:43 Plugin address: :10000
As you can see, the log messages from the custom builder plugin are prefixed with "packer-builder-custom". Log output is extremely helpful in debugging issues and you're encouraged to be as verbose as you need to be in order for the logs to be helpful.
Creating a GitHub Release
packer init
does not work using a centralized registry. Instead, it requires
you to publish your plugin in a GitHub repo with the name
where * represents the name of your plugin. You also need to
create a GitHub release of your plugin with specific assets for the
packer init
download to work. We provide a pre-defined release workflow
configuration using
GitHub Actions. We
strongly encourage maintainers to use this configuration to make sure the
release contains the right assets with the right names for Packer to leverage
packer init
Here's what you need to create releases using GitHub Actions:
- Generate a GPG key to be used when signing releases (See GitHub's detailed instructions for help with this step)
- Copy the GoReleaser configuration from the packer-plugin-scaffolding repository to the root of your repository.
curl -L -o .goreleaser.yml \
- Copy the GitHub Actions workflow from the packer-plugin-scaffolding repository to
in your repository.mkdir -p .github/workflows && curl -L -o .github/workflows/release.yml \
- Go to your repository page on GitHub and navigate to Settings > Secrets. Add
the following secrets:
- Your ASCII-armored GPG private key. You can export this withgpg --armor --export-secret-keys [key ID or email]
- The passphrase for your GPG private key.
- Push a new valid version tag (e.g.
) to test that the GitHub Actions releaser is working. The tag must be a valid Semantic Version preceded with av
. Once the tag is pushed, the github actions you just configured will automatically build release binaries that Packer can download usingpacker init
. For more details on how to install a plugin usingpacker init
, see the init docs.
Registering Plugin Documentation
Note: Registering a remote plugin's plugin documentation requires the use of Packer's plugin docs configuration.
packer init
allows users to require and install remote Packer plugins, those not bundled with Packer core, that have been published to GitHub automatically.
To help with the discovery of remote Packer plugins on GitHub, plugins maintainers can choose to register plugin documentation for each component directly on the Packer Documentation Page.
The registration process requires the creation of a
file archive containing the .mdx
files for each of the plugin components in the remote plugin's repository. A working example can be seen at the packer-plugin-docker repository.
Once in place the remote plugin can be added to Packer's website builds by opening a pull-request against hashicorp/packer, with the needed configuration for pulling in the remote documentation.
Remote plugins will have their components listed under the respected types (i.e builders, provisioners, etc) using the names specified in the remote block configuration, and labeled with their respective tier and namespace.
To register a plugin follow one of the following setups
Documentation for a plugin is maintained within the docs
directory and served on GitHub.
To include plugin docs on the website, a global pre-hook has been added to the main scaffolding .goreleaser.yml file, that if uncommented will generate and include a file as part of the plugin release.
file contains all of the .mdx
files under the plugins root docs/
directory that the website can consume remotely.
Once the first
file has been included into a release you will need to open a one time pull-request against hashicorp/packer to register the plugin docs.
This is done by adding the block below for the respective plugin to the file website/data/plugins-manifest.json.
"title": "Scaffolding",
"path": "scaffolding",
"repo": "hashicorp/packer-plugin-scaffolding",
"version": "latest",
"sourceBranch": "main"
If a plugin maintainer wishes to only include a specific version of released docs, then the "version"
key in the above configuration should be set to a released version of the plugin. Otherwise it should be set to "latest"
The "sourceBranch"
key in the above configuration ensures potential contributors can link back to source files in the plugin repository from the Packer docs site. If a "sourceBranch"
value is not present, it will default to "main"
Testing Plugin Documentation
Before publishing the
file, you might want to preview your documentation changes.
We provide a mechanism that allows to preview how the docs will look like within
the Packer documentation.
Follow the next steps to get the Packer website running and preview the documentation changes:
- Get the Packer source code. Our website code is under the website folder.
- Generate the
file. You can find above the steps to do so. - Add the
attribute to the plugin entry inplugins-manifest.json
. The value should be the full path of
generated. For example:
"title": "Scaffolding",
"path": "scaffolding",
"repo": "hashicorp/packer-plugin-scaffolding",
"version": "latest",
"sourceBranch": "main",
"zipFile": "/Users/myuser/Packer/plugins/packer-plugin-scaffolding/"
- Go to the website folder. In the website README, follow the steps to run the website with node.
- Once the website is up and running, the plugin documentation should be available in
Plugin Development Tips and FAQs
Working Examples
Here's a non-exhaustive list of Packer plugins that you can check out:
Looking at their code will give you good examples.
Naming Conventions
It is standard practice to name the resulting plugin application in the format
of packer-plugin-NAME
. For example, if you're building a new builder for
CustomCloud, it would be standard practice to name the resulting plugin
. This naming convention helps users identify the
scope of a plugin.
Testing Plugins
Making your unpublished plugin available to Packer is possible by either:
- Starting Packer from the directory where the plugin binary is located.
- Putting the plugin binary in the same directory as Packer.
In both these cases, if the binary is called packer-plugin-myawesomecloud
defines an ebs
builder then you will be able to use an myawesomecloud-ebs
builder or source without needing to have a required_plugin
This is extremely useful during development.
Distributing Plugins
We recommend that you use a tool like the GoReleaser in order to cross-compile your plugin for every platform that Packer supports, since Go applications are platform-specific. If you have created your plugin from the packer-plugin-scaffolding repo, simply tagging a commit and pushing the tag to GitHub will correctly build and release the binaries using GoReleaser.