Nomad uses the Hashicorp Configuration Language - HCL - designed to allow concise descriptions of the required steps to get to a job file. Nomad 1.0 adopts HCL2, the second generation of HashiCorp Configuration Language. HCL2 extends the HCL language by adding expressions and input variables support to improve job spec reusability and readability. Also, the new HCL2 parser improves the error messages for invalid jobs.
HCL Parsing Context
The Nomad API uses JSON, not HCL, to represent Nomad jobs.
When running commands like nomad job run
and nomad job plan
, the Nomad CLI
parses HCL and ultimately converts it to JSON. Because this parsing happens locally
(i.e., where the operator is running the CLI) before job submission, there are some
limits to the capabilities that can be accessed by HCL job specifications. For
example, scheduling information is not yet available, including information about
the client. Similarly, HCL features that depend on external context will take that
context from the local environment of the CLI (e.g., files, environment variables).
Since HCL is a superset of JSON, nomad job run example.json
will attempt to
parse a JSON job using the HCL parser. However, the JSON format accepted by
the HCL parser is not the same as the API's JSON format. The
HCL parser's JSON format is unspecified, so the API format is preferred. You can
use the API format with the -json
command line flag:
$ # Generate an HCL formatted job
$ nomad init
$ # Convert HCL to API JSON format
$ nomad job run -output example.nomad > example.json
$ # Submit with the -json flag
$ nomad job run -json example.json
Arguments, Blocks, and Expressions
The syntax of the HCL language consists of only a few basic elements:
task "example" {
driver = "docker"
# Block body
- Blocks are containers for other content and usually represent the configuration of some kind of object, like a task. Blocks have a block type, can have zero or more labels, and have a body that contains any number of arguments and nested blocks. Block labels must be string literals.
- Arguments assign a value to a name. They appear within blocks.
- Expressions represent a value, either literally or by referencing and combining other values. They appear as values for arguments, or within other expressions.
For full details about Nomad's syntax, see:
Backward Compatibilities
HCL2 syntax closely mirrors HCL1, but has some minor changes. Most existing Nomad job specifications will not require any changes.
When you run nomad job run
or nomad job plan
, the CLI will report any
required changes. Also, you can activate a backwards compatibility mode by
passing -hcl1
to use Nomad's HCL1 parser instead.
Nomad 0.12 and earlier allowed a few variations for defining blocks. For example, the following variations of meta
were accepted:
meta {
# meta attributes can be quoted or not
"team" = "..."
organization = "..."
# meta can be an assignment to a map
meta = { "team" = "...", organization = "..." }
Starting with Nomad 1.0 and the HCL2 parser, only the block syntax with unquoted attributes is accepted:
meta {
team = "..."
organization = "..."
Additionally, block attributes must be HCL2 valid identifiers.
Generally, identifiers may only contain letters, numbers, underscore _
or a dash -
, and start with a letter. Notable,
, and
keys may not
contain other symbols (e.g. .
, #
Task driver config fields may require extra attention if they contain invalid
identifiers. For example, docker sysctl
use the map assignment syntax if the keys aren't valid:
sysctl = {
"net.core.somaxconn/docs/drivers/docker#sysctl" = "16384"
Additionally, task driver config fields may not nest block syntax within an
assignment syntax. The following mounts
syntax is no longer valid:
# INVALID in Nomad 1.0
mounts = [
type = "tmpfs"
tmpfs_options { # <- block syntax is not valid here
size = 10000
Here, the tmpfs_options
block declaration is invalid HCL2 syntax, and must be an assignment instead:
# VALID in Nomad 1.0
mounts = [
type = "tmpfs"
tmpfs_options = {
size = 10000
Or better yet, the new mount
syntax, introduced in Nomad 1.0.1, is more appropriate here:
mount {
type = "tmpfs"
tmpf_options {
size = 10000
Multiline "here doc" string
Nomad supports multi-line string literals in the so-called "heredoc" style, inspired by Unix shell languages:
template {
data = <<EOF
HCL2 trims the whitespace preceding the delimiter in the last line. So in the
above example, data
is read as "hello\n world\n "
in HCL1, but "hello\n world\n"
(note lack of trailing whitespace) in HCL2.
Nomad 0.12 and earlier accepted small decimal values without a leading zero
(e.g. .3
, .59
, .9
). In such case, Nomad 1.0 requires a leading zero (e.g.
, 0.59
, 0.9