nomad operator client-state command reference
The operator client-state
command generates a representation of the
stored client state in JSON format.
nomad operator client-state
The output of this command can be piped to jq
for further filtering and analysis:
$ nomad operator client-state | jq
"Allocations": {
"3b0ed734-f721-45d3-420a-3d96926b3f1d": {
"Alloc": {
"ID": "3b0ed734-f721-45d3-420a-3d96926b3f1d",
"Namespace": "default",
"EvalID": "042fbfeb-0c75-e696-b9b8-e3b4328a4988",
"Name": "docs.example[0]",
"NodeID": "00d48d89-d512-3ee6-4b95-271b72415916",
"JobID": "docs",
"Job": {
"Stop": false,
"Region": "global",
"Namespace": "default",
"ID": "docs",
"ParentID": "",
"Name": "docs",
"Type": "service",
"Priority": 50,
"AllAtOnce": false,
"Datacenters": [
"Constraints": null,
"Affinities": null,
"Spreads": null,
"TaskGroups": [
"Name": "example",
"Count": 1,
"Update": {
"Stagger": 30000000000,
"MaxParallel": 1,
"HealthCheck": "checks",
"MinHealthyTime": 10000000000,
"HealthyDeadline": 300000000000,
"ProgressDeadline": 600000000000,
"AutoRevert": false,
"AutoPromote": false,
"Canary": 0
"Migrate": {
"MaxParallel": 1,
"HealthCheck": "checks",
"MinHealthyTime": 10000000000,
"HealthyDeadline": 300000000000
"Constraints": null,
"Scaling": null,
"RestartPolicy": {
"Attempts": 2,
"Interval": 1800000000000,
"Delay": 15000000000,
"Mode": "fail"
"Tasks": [
"Name": "server",
"Driver": "docker",
"User": "",
"Config": {
"args": [
"hello world"
"image": "hashicorp/http-echo",
"ports": [
"Env": null,
"Services": null,
"Vault": null,
"Templates": null,
"Constraints": null,
"Affinities": null,
"Resources": {
"CPU": 100,
"Cores": 0,
"MemoryMB": 300,
"MemoryMaxMB": 0,
"DiskMB": 0,
"IOPS": 0,
"Networks": null,
"Devices": null
"RestartPolicy": {
"Attempts": 2,
"Interval": 1800000000000,
"Delay": 15000000000,
"Mode": "fail"
"DispatchPayload": null,
"Lifecycle": null,
"Meta": null,
"KillTimeout": 5000000000,
"LogConfig": {
"MaxFiles": 10,
"MaxFileSizeMB": 10
"Artifacts": null,
"Leader": false,
"ShutdownDelay": 0,
"VolumeMounts": null,
"ScalingPolicies": null,
"KillSignal": "",
"Kind": "",
"CSIPluginConfig": null
"EphemeralDisk": {
"Sticky": false,
"SizeMB": 300,
"Migrate": false
"Meta": null,
"ReschedulePolicy": {
"Attempts": 0,
"Interval": 0,
"Delay": 30000000000,
"DelayFunction": "exponential",
"MaxDelay": 3600000000000,
"Unlimited": true
"Affinities": null,
"Spreads": null,
"Networks": [
"Mode": "",
"Device": "",
"CIDR": "",
"IP": "",
"MBits": 0,
"DNS": null,
"ReservedPorts": [
"Label": "http",
"Value": 5678,
"To": 0,
"HostNetwork": "default"
"DynamicPorts": null
"Consul": {
"Namespace": ""
"Services": null,
"Volumes": null,
"ShutdownDelay": null,
"StopAfterClientDisconnect": null,
"MaxClientDisconnect": null
"Update": {
"Stagger": 30000000000,
"MaxParallel": 1,
"HealthCheck": "",
"MinHealthyTime": 0,
"HealthyDeadline": 0,
"ProgressDeadline": 0,
"AutoRevert": false,
"AutoPromote": false,
"Canary": 0
"Multiregion": null,
"Periodic": null,
"ParameterizedJob": null,
"Dispatched": false,
"DispatchIdempotencyToken": "",
"Payload": null,
"Meta": null,
"ConsulToken": "",
"ConsulNamespace": "",
"VaultToken": "",
"VaultNamespace": "",
"NomadTokenID": "",
"Status": "pending",
"StatusDescription": "",
"Stable": false,
"Version": 0,
"SubmitTime": 1670925631564348000,
"CreateIndex": 14,
"ModifyIndex": 14,
"JobModifyIndex": 14
"TaskGroup": "example",
"Resources": {
"CPU": 100,
"Cores": 0,
"MemoryMB": 300,
"MemoryMaxMB": 300,
"DiskMB": 300,
"IOPS": 0,
"Networks": [
"Mode": "",
"Device": "",
"CIDR": "",
"IP": "",
"MBits": 0,
"DNS": null,
"ReservedPorts": [
"Label": "http",
"Value": 5678,
"To": 0,
"HostNetwork": "default"
"DynamicPorts": null
"Devices": null
"SharedResources": {
"CPU": 0,
"Cores": 0,
"MemoryMB": 0,
"MemoryMaxMB": 0,
"DiskMB": 300,
"IOPS": 0,
"Networks": [
"Mode": "",
"Device": "",
"CIDR": "",
"IP": "",
"MBits": 0,
"DNS": null,
"ReservedPorts": [
"Label": "http",
"Value": 5678,
"To": 0,
"HostNetwork": "default"
"DynamicPorts": null
"Devices": null
"TaskResources": {
"server": {
"CPU": 100,
"Cores": 0,
"MemoryMB": 300,
"MemoryMaxMB": 0,
"DiskMB": 0,
"IOPS": 0,
"Networks": null,
"Devices": null
"AllocatedResources": {
"Tasks": {
"server": {
"Cpu": {
"CpuShares": 100,
"ReservedCores": null
"Memory": {
"MemoryMB": 300,
"MemoryMaxMB": 0
"Networks": null,
"Devices": null
"TaskLifecycles": {
"server": null
"Shared": {
"Networks": [
"Mode": "",
"Device": "",
"CIDR": "",
"IP": "",
"MBits": 0,
"DNS": null,
"ReservedPorts": [
"Label": "http",
"Value": 5678,
"To": 0,
"HostNetwork": "default"
"DynamicPorts": null
"DiskMB": 300,
"Ports": [
"Label": "http",
"Value": 5678,
"To": 0,
"HostIP": ""
"Metrics": {
"NodesEvaluated": 1,
"NodesFiltered": 0,
"NodesAvailable": {
"dc1": 1
"ClassFiltered": null,
"ConstraintFiltered": null,
"NodesExhausted": 0,
"ClassExhausted": null,
"DimensionExhausted": null,
"QuotaExhausted": null,
"ResourcesExhausted": null,
"Scores": null,
"ScoreMetaData": [
"NodeID": "00d48d89-d512-3ee6-4b95-271b72415916",
"Scores": {
"binpack": 0.014787748194725047,
"job-anti-affinity": 0,
"node-affinity": 0,
"node-reschedule-penalty": 0
"NormScore": 0.014787748194725047
"AllocationTime": 64877,
"CoalescedFailures": 0
"DesiredStatus": "run",
"DesiredDescription": "",
"DesiredTransition": {
"Migrate": null,
"Reschedule": null,
"ForceReschedule": null,
"NoShutdownDelay": null
"ClientStatus": "pending",
"ClientDescription": "",
"TaskStates": null,
"AllocStates": null,
"PreviousAllocation": "",
"NextAllocation": "",
"DeploymentID": "dc4c0c22-3bc7-a17a-5d7b-bce06a692293",
"DeploymentStatus": null,
"RescheduleTracker": null,
"NetworkStatus": null,
"FollowupEvalID": "",
"PreemptedAllocations": null,
"PreemptedByAllocation": "",
"SigningKeyID": "e596c865-adad-78cc-0266-94640594e5a2",
"CreateIndex": 15,
"ModifyIndex": 15,
"AllocModifyIndex": 15,
"CreateTime": 1670925631566156300,
"ModifyTime": 1670925631566156300
"DeployStatus": {
"Healthy": true,
"Timestamp": "2022-12-13T18:00:45.351354859+08:00",
"Canary": false,
"ModifyIndex": 0
"Tasks": {
"server": {
"LocalState": {
"Hooks": {
"artifacts": {
"PrestartDone": true,
"Data": null,
"Env": null
"devices": {
"PrestartDone": true,
"Data": null,
"Env": null
"dispatch_payload": {
"PrestartDone": true,
"Data": null,
"Env": null
"identity": {
"PrestartDone": false,
"Data": null,
"Env": null
"logmon": {
"PrestartDone": false,
"Data": {
"reattach_config": "{\"Protocol\":\"grpc\",\"Network\":\"unix\",\"Addr\":\"/tmp/plugin2391577039\",\"Pid\":97576}"
"Env": null
"script_checks": {
"PrestartDone": false,
"Data": null,
"Env": null
"task_dir": {
"PrestartDone": false,
"Data": {
"is_done": "true"
"Env": null
"validate": {
"PrestartDone": true,
"Data": null,
"Env": null
"volumes": {
"PrestartDone": false,
"Data": null,
"Env": null
"DriverNetwork": {
"PortMap": null,
"IP": "",
"AutoAdvertise": false
"TaskHandle": {
"Version": 1,
"Config": {
"ID": "3b0ed734-f721-45d3-420a-3d96926b3f1d/server/c7ffd87f",
"JobName": "docs",
"JobID": "docs",
"TaskGroupName": "example",
"Name": "server",
"Namespace": "default",
"NodeID": "00d48d89-d512-3ee6-4b95-271b72415916",
"Env": {
"NOMAD_ADDR_http": "",
"NOMAD_ALLOC_DIR": "/alloc",
"NOMAD_ALLOC_ID": "3b0ed734-f721-45d3-420a-3d96926b3f1d",
"NOMAD_ALLOC_NAME": "docs.example[0]",
"NOMAD_ALLOC_PORT_http": "5678",
"NOMAD_DC": "dc1",
"NOMAD_GROUP_NAME": "example",
"NOMAD_HOST_ADDR_http": "",
"NOMAD_HOST_IP_http": "",
"NOMAD_HOST_PORT_http": "5678",
"NOMAD_IP_http": "",
"NOMAD_JOB_ID": "docs",
"NOMAD_JOB_NAME": "docs",
"NOMAD_NAMESPACE": "default",
"NOMAD_PORT_http": "5678",
"NOMAD_REGION": "global",
"NOMAD_SECRETS_DIR": "/secrets",
"NOMAD_SHORT_ALLOC_ID": "3b0ed734",
"NOMAD_TASK_DIR": "/local",
"NOMAD_TASK_NAME": "server"
"DeviceEnv": {},
"Resources": {
"NomadResources": {
"Cpu": {
"CpuShares": 100,
"ReservedCores": null
"Memory": {
"MemoryMB": 300,
"MemoryMaxMB": 0
"Networks": null,
"Devices": null
"LinuxResources": {
"CPUPeriod": 0,
"CPUQuota": 0,
"CPUShares": 100,
"MemoryLimitBytes": 314572800,
"OOMScoreAdj": 0,
"CpusetCpus": "",
"CpusetCgroupPath": "",
"PercentTicks": 0.0023148148148148147
"Ports": [
"Label": "http",
"Value": 5678,
"To": 0,
"HostIP": ""
"Devices": null,
"Mounts": null,
"User": "",
"AllocDir": "/home/test/alloc/3b0ed734-f721-45d3-420a-3d96926b3f1d",
"StdoutPath": "/home/test/alloc/3b0ed734-f721-45d3-420a-3d96926b3f1d/alloc/logs/.server.stdout.fifo",
"StderrPath": "/home/test/alloc/3b0ed734-f721-45d3-420a-3d96926b3f1d/alloc/logs/.server.stderr.fifo",
"AllocID": "3b0ed734-f721-45d3-420a-3d96926b3f1d",
"NetworkIsolation": null,
"DNS": null
"State": "",
"DriverState": "g6tDb250YWluZXJJRNoAQDdkNmQxMGVjZTY1YmQ2ZjY0MDk1YzdiMWI2NjViMzUyOTI1NDc5NmQ0YzE3ODY2YzdlNmE1ZTE2YWQ0NzI3YzitRHJpdmVyTmV0d29ya4OtQXV0b0FkdmVydGlzZcKiSVCqMTcyLjE3LjAuMqdQb3J0TWFwwK5SZWF0dGFjaENvbmZpZ4SkQWRkcrUvdG1wL3BsdWdpbjE4Mjc2MjczOTCnTmV0d29ya6R1bml4o1BpZNIAAX2qqFByb3RvY29spGdycGM="
"RunComplete": false
"RemoteState": {
"State": "running",
"Failed": false,
"Restarts": 0,
"LastRestart": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"StartedAt": "2022-12-13T10:00:35.350231151Z",
"FinishedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"Events": [
"Type": "Received",
"Time": 1670925631571274800,
"Message": "",
"DisplayMessage": "Task received by client",
"Details": {},
"FailsTask": false,
"RestartReason": "",
"SetupError": "",
"DriverError": "",
"ExitCode": 0,
"Signal": 0,
"KillTimeout": 0,
"KillError": "",
"KillReason": "",
"StartDelay": 0,
"DownloadError": "",
"ValidationError": "",
"DiskLimit": 0,
"FailedSibling": "",
"VaultError": "",
"TaskSignalReason": "",
"TaskSignal": "",
"DriverMessage": "",
"GenericSource": ""
"Type": "Task Setup",
"Time": 1670925631572548900,
"Message": "Building Task Directory",
"DisplayMessage": "Building Task Directory",
"Details": {
"message": "Building Task Directory"
"FailsTask": false,
"RestartReason": "",
"SetupError": "",
"DriverError": "",
"ExitCode": 0,
"Signal": 0,
"KillTimeout": 0,
"KillError": "",
"KillReason": "",
"StartDelay": 0,
"DownloadError": "",
"ValidationError": "",
"DiskLimit": 0,
"FailedSibling": "",
"VaultError": "",
"TaskSignalReason": "",
"TaskSignal": "",
"DriverMessage": "",
"GenericSource": ""
"Type": "Driver",
"Time": 1670925631589523700,
"Message": "",
"DisplayMessage": "Downloading image",
"Details": {
"image": "hashicorp/http-echo:latest"
"FailsTask": false,
"RestartReason": "",
"SetupError": "",
"DriverError": "",
"ExitCode": 0,
"Signal": 0,
"KillTimeout": 0,
"KillError": "",
"KillReason": "",
"StartDelay": 0,
"DownloadError": "",
"ValidationError": "",
"DiskLimit": 0,
"FailedSibling": "",
"VaultError": "",
"TaskSignalReason": "",
"TaskSignal": "",
"DriverMessage": "Downloading image",
"GenericSource": ""
"Type": "Started",
"Time": 1670925635350228700,
"Message": "",
"DisplayMessage": "Task started by client",
"Details": {},
"FailsTask": false,
"RestartReason": "",
"SetupError": "",
"DriverError": "",
"ExitCode": 0,
"Signal": 0,
"KillTimeout": 0,
"KillError": "",
"KillReason": "",
"StartDelay": 0,
"DownloadError": "",
"ValidationError": "",
"DiskLimit": 0,
"FailedSibling": "",
"VaultError": "",
"TaskSignalReason": "",
"TaskSignal": "",
"DriverMessage": "",
"GenericSource": ""
"TaskHandle": null
"DriverState": {
"ContainerID": "7d6d10ece65bd6f64095c7b1b665b3529254796d4c17866c7e6a5e16ad4727c8",
"DriverNetwork": {
"AutoAdvertise": false,
"IP": "",
"PortMap": null
"ReattachConfig": {
"Addr": "/tmp/plugin1827627390",
"Network": "unix",
"Pid": 97706,
"Protocol": "grpc"