Prefix Searching
The /search
endpoint returns matches for a given prefix and context, where a
context can be jobs, allocations, evaluations, nodes, deployments, plugins,
namespaces, or volumes. When using Nomad Enterprise, the allowed contexts
include quotas. Additionally, a prefix can be searched for within every
Method | Path | Produces |
POST | /v1/search | application/json |
The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries and required ACLs.
Blocking Queries | ACL Required |
NO | node:read, namespace:read-jobs |
When ACLs are enabled, requests must have a token valid for node:read
roles. If the token is only valid for node:read
, then
job related results will not be returned. If the token is only valid for
, then node results will not be returned.
(string: <required>)
- Specifies the identifier against which matches will be found. For example, if the given prefix were "a", potential matches might be "abcd", or "aabb".Context
(string: <required>)
- Defines the scope in which a search for a prefix operates. Contexts can be: "jobs", "evals", "allocs", "nodes", "deployment", "plugins", "volumes" or "all", where "all" means every context will be searched.
Sample Payload (for all contexts)
"Prefix": "abc",
"Context": "all"
Sample Request
$ curl \
--request POST \
--data @payload.json \
Sample Response
"Matches": {
"allocs": null,
"deployment": null,
"evals": ["abc2fdc0-e1fd-2536-67d8-43af8ca798ac"],
"jobs": ["abcde"],
"nodes": null,
"plugins": null,
"volumes": null
"Truncations": {
"allocs": "false",
"deployment": "false",
"evals": "false",
"jobs": "false",
"nodes": "false",
"plugins": "false",
"volumes": "false"
Field Reference
- A map of contexts to matching arrays of identifiers.Truncations
- Search results are capped at 20; if more matches were found for a particular context, it will betrue
Sample Payload (for a specific context)
"Prefix": "abc",
"Context": "evals"
Sample Request
$ curl \
--request POST \
--data @payload.json \
Sample Response
"Matches": {
"evals": ["abc2fdc0-e1fd-2536-67d8-43af8ca798ac"]
"Truncations": {
"evals": "false"
Fuzzy Searching
The /search/fuzzy
endpoint returns partial substring matches for a given search
term and context, where a context can be jobs, allocations, nodes, plugins, or namespaces.
Additionally, fuzzy searching can be done across all contexts. For better control
over the performance implications of fuzzy searching on Nomad servers, aspects of
fuzzy searching can be tuned through the search
block in Nomad agent config.
Fuzzy search results are ordered starting with closest matching terms. Items of a name that exactly matches the search term are listed first.
Method | Path | Produces |
POST | /v1/search/fuzzy | application/json |
The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries and required ACLs.
Blocking Queries | ACL Required |
NO | node:read, namespace:read-jobs, namespace:csi-list-plugin |
When ACLs are enabled, requests must have a token valid for node:read
, plugin:read
roles. If the token is only valid for a portion of these
capabilities, then results will include results including only data readable with
the given token.
(string: <required>)
- Specifies the identifier against which matches will be found. For example, if the given text were "py", potential fuzzy matches might be "python", "spying", or "happy".Context
(string: <required>)
- Defines the scope in which a search for a prefix operates. Contexts can be: "jobs", "allocs", "nodes", "plugins", or "all", where "all" means every context will be searched. When "all" is selected, additional prefix matches will be included for the "deployments", "evals", and "volumes" types. When searching in the "jobs" context, results that fuzzy match "groups", "services", "tasks", "images", "commands", and "classes" are also included in the results.
Fuzzy match results are accompanied with a Scope
field which is used to uniquely
identify the matched object, in a way that the Nomad API can be queried again for
additional information. The data provided by scope varies depending on the type
of matched object, described below.
Sample Payload (for jobs)
"Text": "py",
"Context": "jobs"
Sample Request
$ curl \
--request POST \
--data @payload.json \
Sample Response
"Index": 90,
"KnownLeader": true,
"LastContact": 0,
"Matches": {
"services": [
"ID": "python-logger",
"Scope": [
"ID": "super-spy-service",
"Scope": [
"tasks": [
"ID": "my-python-task",
"Scope": [
"images": [
"ID": "python:3",
"Scope": [
"jobs": [
"ID": "example-python",
"Scope": [
"groups": [
"ID": "my-spy-app",
"Scope": [
"Truncations": {
"jobs": false
Scope (jobs)
Scope (groups)
Scope (tasks)
Scope (group services)
Scope (task services)
Scope (commands/images/classes)
Sample Payload (for nodes)
"Text": "lab",
"Context": "nodes"
Sample Request
$ curl \
--request POST \
--data @payload.json \
Sample Response
"Index": 9,
"KnownLeader": true,
"LastContact": 0,
"Matches": {
"nodes": [
"ID": "nomad-lab1",
"Scope": [
"Truncations": {
"nodes": false
Scope (nodes)
: Node ID
Sample Payload (for allocs)
Sample Request
$ curl \
--request POST \
--data @payload.json \
Sample Response
"Index": 136,
"KnownLeader": true,
"LastContact": 0,
"Matches": {
"allocs": [
"ID": "[0]",
"Scope": [
"Truncations": {
"allocs": false
Scope (allocs)
Sample Payload (for plugins)
"Text": "aws",
"Context": "plugins"
Sample Request
$ curl \
--request POST \
--data @payload.json \
Sample Response
"Index": 0,
"KnownLeader": true,
"LastContact": 0,
"Matches": {
"plugins": [
"ID": "aws-efs0"
"Truncations": {
"plugins": false
Sample Payload (for all)
"Index": 260,
"KnownLeader": true,
"LastContact": 0,
"Matches": {
"services": [
"ID": "python-logger",
"Scope": [
"ID": "super-spy-service",
"Scope": [
"tasks": [
"ID": "my-python-task",
"Scope": [
"jobs": [
"ID": "example-python",
"Scope": [
"evals": [],
"scaling_policy": [],
"groups": [
"ID": "my-spy-app",
"Scope": [
"images": [
"ID": "python:3",
"Scope": [
"plugins": [
"ID": "aws-spy-plugin"
"deployment": [],
"volumes": [],
"allocs": [
"ID": "[0]",
"Scope": [
"Truncations": {
"deployment": false,
"volumes": false,
"plugins": false,
"namespaces": false,
"scaling_policy": false,
"evals": false,
"allocs": false,
"jobs": false,
"nodes": false
Sample Request
$ curl \
--request POST \
--data @payload.json \
Prefix matching when fuzzy searching
If the search Context is all
when fuzzy searching, the object types that are
identified only with UUIDs are also concurrently prefix-searched. Those types include
deployments, evals, volumes, and quotas (Enterprise).
Sample Payload (prefix match)
Sample Request
$ curl \
--request POST \
--data @payload.json \
Sample Result
"Index": 267,
"KnownLeader": true,
"LastContact": 0,
"Matches": {
"scaling_policy": [],
"evals": [],
"deployment": [
"ID": "cc786388-e071-31ec-5821-b829839f9681"
"volumes": []
"Truncations": {
"deployment": false,
"volumes": false,
"plugins": false,
"namespaces": false,
"scaling_policy": false,
"evals": false,
"allocs": false,
"jobs": false,
"nodes": false