Consul on Kubernetes 0.49.0
Release Highlights
Consul CNI Plugin - OpenShift support: Support for OpenShift and Multus CNI plugin [GH-1527]
Consul API Gateway secondary datacenter support: Use global ACL auth method to provision ACL tokens for API Gateway in secondary datacenter and Set primary datacenter flag when deploying controller into secondary datacenter with federation enabled [GH-1481]
Cluster Peering: Utilize new
value to gRPC TLS config when auto-encrypt is enabled. [GH-1541]Service tag annotation improvements: Support escaped commas in service tag annotations for pods which use or [GH-1532]
MaxInboundConnections in service-defaults CRD: Add support for MaxInboundConnections on the Service Defaults CRD. [GH-1437]
Supported Software
- Consul 1.11.x, Consul 1.12.x and Consul 1.13.1+
- Kubernetes 1.19-1.24
- Kubectl 1.19+
- Helm 3.2+
- Envoy proxy support is determined by the Consul version deployed. Refer to Envoy Integration for details.
For detailed information on upgrading, please refer to the Upgrades page
Known Issues
The following issues are know to exist in the v0.49.0 release:
- Kubernetes 1.25 is not supported as the Pod Security Admission controller is currently not supported by Consul K8s.
The changelogs for this major release version and any maintenance versions are listed below.
Note: The following link takes you to the changelogs on the GitHub website.