Couchbase secrets engine
Vault provides powerful dynamic credential lifecycle management for a wide range of database solutions.
This tutorial demonstrates the use of the database secrets engine to dynamically generate credentials for Couchbase Server database users.
Credential management is critical for secrets hygiene, but managing the lifecycle of credentials across numerous heterogeneous platforms such as database solutions can be cumbersome and time consuming.
An application requires credentials to access a specific database platform, but those credentials should never be hard coded into the application or allowed to persist past their useful lifetime.
Vault provides a databases secrets engine with support for credential lifecycle management across a range of database solutions.
Administrators can define credential attributes, such as attached policies and time to live values, such that the credential provides least privileged access for only the allowed time-frame and is revoked when no longer needed.
The end-to-end scenario described in this tutorial involves 3 personas:
couchbase admin
manages Couchbase Server and by Vault for managing Couchbase Server user credentials.vault admin
has privileged capabilities to configure Vault secrets engines.user
needs credentials from Vault that allow access to Couchbase Server documents.
This lab was tested on macOS using an x86_64 based processor. If you are running macOS on an Apple silicon-based processor, use a x86_64 based Linux virtual machine in your preferred cloud provider.
You need the following to perform all of the tasks in the example scenario.
Docker Desktop users increase initial resources
The default Docker Desktop memory setting for host resources is 2GB. To successfully deploy the example scenario in this tutorial, you must increase the memory to 4GB according to the instructions in Docker Desktop resources documentation for macOS or Windows.
This tutorial was last tested 08 Feb 2021 on macOS 10.15.7 using the following prerequisite versions.
Docker version:
$ docker --version
Docker version 20.10.2, build 2291f61
This tutorial alternates between using a web UI to configure Couchbase, and a terminal session with the vault
CLI, so you should be comfortable working there to successfully complete the example scenario.
Deploy Couchbase
(Persona: couchbase admin)
This scenario uses a single Couchbase Server container for simplicity.
Use the Docker image to deploy a Couchbase server that detaches and runs in the background while publishing the necessary ports for access.
$ docker run \ --name couchbase-server \ --publish 8091-8094:8091-8094 \ --detach \ --rm \ couchbase
Example output:
...snip... Digest: sha256:8a0bc6ad73b5eff52b094e0f59a6f0b8adb35e7a527b2248d950c4238a1f669c Status: Downloaded newer image for couchbase:latest e5bad8056fe651ec56ff5e5a5273b0cdb5a46231761a8189716af2ca92212767
Verify that the Couchbase container is running.
$ docker ps -f name=couchbase-server --format "table {{.Names}}\t{{.Status}}" NAMES STATUS couchbase-server Up 15 seconds
The example output indicates that the container has been up for 15 seconds.
Visit http://localhost:8091/ in a browser to confirm UI access and complete configuration of the server.
Click Setup New Cluster to begin the setup process.
Enter a name into Cluster Name (e.g.
).Enter an initial password value into Create Password and Confirm Password. For this scenario, the example password value is
.Click Next: Accept Terms.
Review the license terms and if you agree, click I accept the terms & conditions.
Click Finish With Defaults.
After you complete the configuration, you are greeted by the dashboard.
While you are here, you can add an example bucket and document, which will be accessed as part of the example scenario in later steps.
Select Buckets from the side menu, and click ADD BUCKET.
in the Name field.Click Advanced bucket settings.
Under Replicas, uncheck Enable. You are using a development environment for this example scenario and only one Couchbase Server, so you do not need data replication.
Click Add Bucket.
You should observe the bucket created with a green status bar.
The example document represents a simplified record from an imaginary art catalog. Since the inventory records contain sensitive information, applications and users, like the user persona will require valid Couchbase credentials to access them.
You will access this document as the user persona using dynamic credentials retrieved from Vault in later steps.
Select Documents from the side menu.
With art-inventory selected in the Bucket, click ADD DOCUMENT.
Enter a name for the document; for this example, it is important that you use the value
.Click Save.
Add the example JSON, replacing the entire contents of the text area as shown in the screenshot.
[ { "name": "Launch Hearts", "dateCreated": "2014", "artform": "painting", "artMedium": "acrylic", "image": "", "description": "Launch depicts the advent of space travel...", "creator": [ { "name": "Art Creator" } ], "owner": [ { "name": "Art Foundation", "price": 9001.0 } ] } ]
Click Save.
In the next step, add a global index to the art-inventory bucket so that you can search in it later.
Click Query in the side navigation.
In the Query Editor on line 1, enter the following:
CREATE PRIMARY INDEX `art-inventory-primary-index` ON `art-inventory` USING GSI;
Click Execute.
The results should show success.
You have completed the initial Couchbase Server cluster deployment and used the Couchbase web UI to create a document in the art-inventory bucket and add an index to the bucket.
You can now proceed to deploying the Vault server.
Deploy Vault
(Persona: vault admin)
Use a terminal session and the Vault Docker image to install Vault.
$ docker run \
--name=vault-dev \
--cap-add=IPC_LOCK \
--env 'VAULT_DEV_ROOT_TOKEN_ID=root' \
--publish 8200:8200 \
--detach \
--rm \
Example output:
Unable to find image 'vault:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/vault
Digest: sha256:6281c2d63ac61769dd8cdd553ec8a92547ca6ed58252dac9a0a7a664ffb4289a
Status: Downloaded newer image for vault:latest
For the purposes of this tutorial, you will deploy a single Vault server in dev mode. This is a special mode of Vault server operation where all data are persisted only to in-memory storage, and the server is automatically unsealed when started.
You will also set an initial root token value for use in later steps.
As all data are stored only in memory for a dev mode server, understand that if you stop the server, all of the Vault data will be lost.
Before accessing the Vault container, you must export two environment variables to specify the server address and token value.
Export the dev mode server's container address as the value of VAULT_ADDR
$ export VAULT_ADDR="http://$(docker inspect -f '{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' vault-dev):8200"
Export the dev mode initial root token value as the value of VAULT_TOKEN
$ export VAULT_TOKEN=root
For these tasks with a dev mode server, you can use Vault's root token that is already available in the pod. However, it is recommended that root tokens are only used for enough initial setup or in emergencies.
Finally, to avoid the need for a separate Vault binary installation on the host computer, you can set an alias to run the vault
CLI commands inside the Vault container itself.
$ alias vault="docker run --rm --cap-add=IPC_LOCK --env VAULT_ADDR --env VAULT_TOKEN vault"
Check the Vault status.
$ vault status
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed false
Total Shares 1
Threshold 1
Version 1.6.2
Storage Type inmem
Cluster Name vault-cluster-dadc5c6e
Cluster ID 927f9779-63d6-662f-657c-a731d36be176
HA Enabled false
Scenario Introduction
In this example scenario, you will use vault
commands in a terminal session to enable the database secrets engine, configure and instance of the Couchbase secrets engine, define a dynamic role, and read a credential from the role.
After configuring and successfully reading Couchbase credentials from Vault, you will use the credentials to access a document from a bucket in the Couchbase cluster.
Step 1: Enable the database secrets engine
(Persona: vault admin)
The databases secrets engine is used to define an instance of a supported database secrets engine, and must be enabled to use any of the supported engines.
Enable the database secrets engine.
$ vault secrets enable database
Success! Enabled the database secrets engine at: database/
Step 2: Configure Couchbase Server secrets engine
(Persona: vault admin)
In this step you will create an example Couchbase secrets engine configuration. In this example you will use the initial Couchbase Administrator credentials and TLS is disabled.
Example configuration In an actual production installation, you should enable end to end TLS between Vault and Couchbase, and also create a dedicated Couchbase administrator user specifically tasked with managing credentials and that user's credentials would be specified here instead of the initial Couchbase administrator credentials.
Write the Couchbase configuration to the path database/config/couchbase-database; successful configuration results in no output.
$ vault write database/config/couchbase-database \
plugin_name="couchbase-database-plugin" \
hosts="couchbase://$(docker inspect -f '{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' couchbase-server)" \
tls=false \
username="Administrator" \
password="dZLDNkkuGyk=" \
Details for the example command follow.
- plugin_name: This is the databases secrets engine plugin name to use.
- hosts: connection string to the Couchbase cluster hosts; in this example, you are filling in the couchbase-server container IP address by querying it dynamically with
docker inspect
. - tls: In production you should use tls by setting this to true, but in this example it is set to false for simplicity.
- username: The Couchbase Server administrator user. A dedicated administrator account should be used in production, but in this example you are specifying the initial Administrator username as previously output when starting the Couchbase cluster.
- password: The Couchbase Server administrator account password.
- allowed_roles: The Vault roles which are allowed to be associated with this Couchbase Server configuration. Here you are specifying the art-inventory role which will be defined in following steps.
Step 3: Define a dynamic role
(Persona: vault admin)
The Couchbase secrets engine provides two types of roles:
Static Roles: represent a 1 to 1 mapping of Vault roles to Couchbase usernames. The Couchbase user's current password is stored and automatically rotated by Vault in the period of time that you configure.
Dynamic roles: represent a mapping of Vault roles to Couchbase RBAC roles. When a client requests a credential, Vault dynamically generates a unique username and password pair in Couchbase while automatically associating it with the corresponding RBAC role, and returns the credentials to the client. Once the credential lease TTL expires, Vault revokes the credential and deletes the user from Couchbase.
To keep this scenario brief, you will write a dynamic role named art-inventory that maps to the Couchbase Query Select role in order to provide the ability for the user persona to later query documents in the art-inventory bucket. The credentials are time-limited, to a 5 minute TTL with a maximum TTL of 1 hour, and will be invalid and revoked after that time.
You can learn more about Couchbase RBAC roles in the Roles and Privileges and RBAC for Administrators Couchbase documentation.
$ vault write database/roles/art-inventory \
db_name="couchbase-database" \
creation_statements='{"Roles": [{"role":"query_select[art-inventory]"}]}' \
default_ttl="5m" \
Success! Data written to: database/roles/art-inventory
The role is successfully written.
Step 4: Generate a credential
(Persona: user)
Verify that you can generate a new credential by reading from the /database/creds/art-inventory
$ vault read database/creds/art-inventory
Key Value
--- -----
lease_id database/creds/art-inventory/UbFlbnL2mcN3OprtPkRinadt
lease_duration 5m
lease_renewable true
password Y4OxBfBwG56DHjwmy-CP
Insecure operation This command produces output that includes sensitive values. It is used here only to illustrate the values returned by the command.
Step 5: Access bucket item
(Persona: user)
Now you are ready to try accessing the example art inventory item art-launch-hearts from the Couchbase art-inventory bucket. You can do so in a terminal session with curl
and the Couchbase HTTP N1QL query language HTTP API or with the Couchbase Server web UI.
First, let's try to query without proper authentication to get an idea of what occurs in this case.
$ curl --silent \
http://localhost:8093/query/service \
--data 'statement=SELECT * FROM `art-inventory`;'
Example output:
"requestID": "b04540e8-4c77-413f-bd85-5d56a8bf3e7e",
"signature": { "$1": "number" },
"results": [],
"errors": [
"code": 13014,
"msg": "User does not have credentials to run SELECT queries on the art-inventory bucket. Add role query_select on art-inventory to allow the query to run."
"status": "fatal",
"metrics": {
"elapsedTime": "6.8009ms",
"executionTime": "6.6883ms",
"resultCount": 0,
"resultSize": 0,
"errorCount": 1
As expected, you do not have credentials which grant the capability to execute the query, and the Couchbase Server lets us know this with the error message "User does not have credentials to run SELECT queries on the art-inventory bucket."
Now you can try the query again, except this time in an authenticated manner using credentials retrieved from Vault.
First, read a new set of credentials and store the value in the CB_CREDENTIALS
environment variable.
$ CB_CREDENTIALS="$(vault read database/creds/art-inventory)"
Next, assign the value of the Couchbase username to the CB_USER
environment variable.
$ CB_USER="$(echo "$CB_CREDENTIALS" | awk '/username/{print $2}')"
Assign the value of the Couchbase user's password to the CB_PASS
environment variable.
$ CB_PASS="$(echo "$CB_CREDENTIALS" | awk '/password/{print $2}')"
Insecure operation These examples are merely to keep example commands readable. While setting the values as environment variables can obscure them from human vision, they are still present elsewhere throughout the system, such as in the shell history. Avoid using this technique in production environments.
Run the query again with authentication.
$ curl --silent \
http://localhost:8093/query/service \
--data 'statement=SELECT * FROM `art-inventory`;' \
--user $CB_USER:$CB_PASS
Example output:
"requestID": "3ba68855-090d-41d9-84b3-f3aea6026024",
"signature": { "*": "*" },
"results": [
"art-inventory": [
"name": "Launch Hearts",
"dateCreated": "2014",
"artform": "painting",
"artMedium": "acrylic",
"image": "",
"description": "Launch depicts the advent of space travel...",
"creator": [
"name": "Art Creator"
"owner": [
"name": "Art Foundation",
"price": 9001.0
"status": "success",
"metrics": {
"elapsedTime": "9.8035ms",
"executionTime": "9.218ms",
"resultCount": 1,
"resultSize": 452
The document is returned by the query as expected.
Example ACL policy requirements
In this tutorial, you were able to accomplish all steps with the Vault server in dev mode using an initial root token.
In a production scenario, each scenario persona requires a different set of capabilities, expressed as Vault ACL policies. If you are not familiar with ACL policies, complete the policies tutorial.
Use a non-root token with a policy attached having the following capabilities for the vault admin persona.
# Mount secrets engines
path "sys/mounts/*" {
capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "list" ]
# Configure the database secrets engine and create roles
path "database/*" {
capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "list" ]
# Manage leases
path "sys/leases/+/database/creds/art-inventory/*" {
capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "list", "sudo" ]
path "sys/leases/+/database/creds/art-inventory" {
capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "list", "sudo" ]
# Write ACL policies
path "sys/policies/acl/*" {
capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "list" ]
# Manage tokens for verification
path "auth/token/create" {
capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "list", "sudo" ]
The user persona tasks require the following capabilities.
# Get credentials from the database secrets engine 'art-inventory' role.
path "database/creds/art-inventory" {
capabilities = [ "read" ]
Typically this policy would be attached to a role or auth method so that the user's next Vault token inherits them. There is just enough policy to allow a user to read a Couchbase Server credential from the specified role.
When you have completed the example scenario, you can clean up the containers used if you no longer wish to keep them.
Stop and remove the Docker containers.
$ docker stop couchbase-server vault-dev
Remove the vault
$ unalias vault
Next steps
You have learned how to use the Couchbase secrets engine by enabling it, configuring its connection to Vault, and creating a dynamic role mapping to a Couchbase RBAC role.
You then demonstrated that the example document you created could not be accessed through a Couchbase N1QL query when attempted without authentication. You retrieved Couchbase credentials from Vault and were able to use them to access the example document.
You can learn more about database secrets engines in general, including how to specify a password policy on dynamic secrets in the Dynamic Secrets: Database Secrets Engine tutorial. If you are ready to update your system to retrieve Couchbase credentials from Vault, read the Vault Agent templates tutorial.