Custom Types
You can use custom types for both attributes and blocks.
Important: Specifying plan customization for attribute types is not yet supported, limiting their utility. Support is expected in the near future.
Use the attr.Type
to implement an attribute type. It tells Terraform about its constraints and tells the framework how to create new attribute values from the information Terraform supplies. attr.Type
has the following methods.
Method | Description |
TerraformType | Returns the tftypes.Type value that describes its type constraints. This is how Terraform will know what type of values it can accept. |
ValueFromTerraform | Returns an attribute value from the tftypes.Value that Terraform supplies, or to return an error if it cannot. This error should not be used for validation purposes, and is expected to indicate programmer error, not practitioner error. |
Equal | Returns true if the attribute type is considered equal to the passed attribute type. |
All attribute types must implement the tftypes.AttributePathStepper
so the framework can access element or attribute types using attribute paths.
If validation for type values is desired, use the xattr.TypeWithValidation
interface to include validation logic for type values. The framework will call this functionality when validating all values based on the schema.
Method | Description |
Validate | Returns any warning or error diagnostics for the given value. |
Type-Specific Interfaces
Case | Interface | Description |
Elements of the same type | TypeWithElementType | Attribute types that contain elements of the same type, like maps and lists, are required to implement attr.TypeWithElementType , which adds WithElementType and ElementType methods to the attr.Type interface. WithElementType must return a copy of the attribute type, but with its element type set to the passed type. ElementType must return the attribute type's element type. |
Elements of different types | TypeWithElementTypes | Attribute types that contain elements of differing types, like tuples, are required to implement the attr.TypeWithElementTypes , which adds WithElementTypes and ElementTypes methods to the attr.Type interface. WithElementTypes must return a copy of the attribute type, but with its element types set to the passed element types. ElementTypes must return the attribute type's element types. |
Contain attributes | TypeWithAttributeTypes | Attribute types that contain attributes, like objects, are required to implement the attr.TypeWithAttributeTypes interface, which adds WithAttributeTypes and AttributeTypes methods to the attr.Type interface. WithAttributeTypes must return a copy of the attribute type, but with its attribute types set to the passed attribute types. AttributeTypes must return the attribute type's attribute types. |
Use the attr.Value
to implement an attribute value. It tells the framework how to express that
attribute value in a way that Terraform will understand. attr.Value
has the
following methods.
Method | Description |
ToTerraformValue | Returns a Go type that is valid input for tftypes.NewValue for the tftypes.Type specified by the attr.Type that creates the attr.Value . |
Equal | Returns true if the passed attribute value should be considered to the attribute value the method is being called on. The passed attribute value is not guaranteed to be of the same Go type. |
Custom Type and Value
A minimal implementation of a custom type for ListType
and List
that leverages embedding looks as follows:
type CustomListType struct {
func (c CustomListType) ValueFromTerraform(ctx context.Context, in tftypes.Value) (attr.Value, error) {
val, err := c.ListType.ValueFromTerraform(ctx, in)
return CustomListValue{
// unchecked type assertion
}, err
type CustomListValue struct {
func (c CustomListValue) DoSomething(ctx context.Context) {
tflog.Info(ctx, "called DoSomething on CustomListValue")
Terraform Configuration
Using the custom type does not require any changes to the Terraform configuration.
resource "example_resource" "example" {
list_attribute = ["list-element", "list-element"]
list_nested_attribute = [
int64_attribute = 9223372036854775807
list_attribute = ["list-element", "list-element"]
int64_attribute = 9223372036854775807
list_attribute = ["list-element", "list-element"]
list_nested_block {
bool_attribute = true
float64_attribute = 1234.5
int64_attribute = 9223372036854775807
list_attribute = ["list-element", "list-element"]
list_nested_nested_block {
bool_attribute = true
list_nested_nested_block {
bool_attribute = false
list_nested_block {
bool_attribute = true
float64_attribute = 1234.5
int64_attribute = 9223372036854775807
list_attribute = ["list-element", "list-element"]
list_nested_nested_block {
bool_attribute = true
list_nested_nested_block {
bool_attribute = false
Use the custom type in the schema as follows:
func (e *exampleResource) Schema(ctx context.Context, req resource.SchemaRequest, resp *resource.SchemaResponse) {
resp.Schema = schema.Schema{
Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
"list_attribute": schema.ListAttribute{
Optional: true,
ElementType: types.StringType,
CustomType: CustomListType{
ElemType: types.StringType,
"list_nested_attribute": schema.ListNestedAttribute{
Optional: true,
CustomType: CustomListType{
ElemType: types.ObjectType{
AttrTypes: map[string]attr.Type{
"int64_attribute": types.Int64Type,
"list_attribute": types.ListType{
ElemType: types.StringType,
NestedObject: schema.NestedAttributeObject{
Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
"int64_attribute": schema.Int64Attribute{
Optional: true,
"list_attribute": schema.ListAttribute{
Optional: true,
ElementType: types.StringType,
Blocks: map[string]schema.Block{
"list_nested_block": schema.ListNestedBlock{
CustomType: CustomListType{
ElemType: types.ObjectType{
AttrTypes: map[string]attr.Type{
"bool_attribute": types.BoolType,
"float64_attribute": types.Float64Type,
"int64_attribute": types.Int64Type,
"list_attribute": types.ListType{
ElemType: types.StringType,
"list_nested_nested_block": types.ListType{
ElemType: types.ObjectType{
AttrTypes: map[string]attr.Type{
"bool_attribute": types.BoolType,
NestedObject: schema.NestedBlockObject{
Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
"bool_attribute": schema.BoolAttribute{
Optional: true,
"float64_attribute": schema.Float64Attribute{
Optional: true,
"int64_attribute": schema.Int64Attribute{
Optional: true,
"list_attribute": schema.ListAttribute{
Optional: true,
ElementType: types.StringType,
Blocks: map[string]schema.Block{
"list_nested_nested_block": schema.ListNestedBlock{
NestedObject: schema.NestedBlockObject{
Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
"bool_attribute": schema.BoolAttribute{
Optional: true,
The custom type value is then used within the model.
Where previously the model would have looked as follows:
type exampleResourceData struct {
ListAttribute types.List `tfsdk:"list_attribute"`
ListNestedAttribute types.List `tfsdk:"list_nested_attribute"`
ListNestedBlock types.List `tfsdk:"list_nested_block"`
The custom type value is used by updating the model to:
type exampleResourceData struct {
ListAttribute CustomListValue `tfsdk:"list_attribute"`
ListNestedAttribute CustomListValue `tfsdk:"list_nested_attribute"`
ListNestedBlock CustomListValue `tfsdk:"list_nested_block"`
The functions on CustomListValue
are then available.
func (e *exampleResource) Create(ctx context.Context, req resource.CreateRequest, resp *resource.CreateResponse) {
var data exampleResourceData
diags := req.Config.Get(ctx, &data)
if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {