The Terraform language uses a block as a container for other attributes and blocks. Terraform implements many top level blocks, such as provider
and resource
, while providers can implement nested blocks in their schema to enable practitioners to configure data.
Use nested attributes for new schema implementations. Block support is mainly for migrating prior SDK-based providers.
In this example, the Terraform-defined resource
block contains a provider-defined ami
attribute and network_interface
resource "aws_instance" "example" {
ami = "abc123"
network_interface {
# ...
The configuration syntax for a provider-defined block is a type (block name) and the body is delimited by the {
and }
characters. Each block has an associated nesting mode, which declares whether a block is repeatable. The available nesting modes are:
- List: Ordered collection of objects
- Set: Unordered collection of objects
- Single: One object
For list and set blocks, configurations can implement dynamic
block expressions to reduce hardcoded block values.
Terraform Configuration
Use the following syntax in Terraform configuration for nested blocks:
resource "example_resource" "example" {
list_nested_block {
bool_attribute = true
float64_attribute = 1234.5
int64_attribute = 9223372036854775807
list_attribute = ["list-element", "list-element"]
list_nested_nested_block {
bool_attribute = true
list_nested_nested_block {
bool_attribute = false
list_nested_block {
bool_attribute = true
float64_attribute = 1234.5
int64_attribute = 9223372036854775807
list_attribute = ["list-element", "list-element"]
list_nested_nested_block {
bool_attribute = true
list_nested_nested_block {
bool_attribute = false
set_nested_block {
map_attribute = { "map-key-1" : "map-value-1" }
number_attribute = 1.79769313486231570814527423731704356798070e+1000
object_attribute = {
bool_attribute = true
float64_attribute = 1234.5
int64_attribute = 9223372036854775807
list_attribute = ["obj-list-element", "obj-list-element"]
map_attribute = { "obj-map-key-1" : "obj-map-value-1" }
number_attribute = 1.79769313486231570814527423731704356798070e+1000
set_attribute = ["obj-set-element-1", "obj-set-element-2"]
string_attribute = "obj-string"
set_attribute = ["set-element-1", "set-element-2"]
set_nested_nested_block {
bool_attribute = true
set_nested_nested_block {
bool_attribute = false
set_nested_block {
map_attribute = { "map-key-1" : "map-value-1" }
number_attribute = 1.79769313486231570814527423731704356798070e+1000
object_attribute = {
bool_attribute = false
float64_attribute = 1234.5
int64_attribute = 9223372036854775807
list_attribute = ["obj-list-element", "obj-list-element"]
map_attribute = { "obj-map-key-1" : "obj-map-value-1" }
number_attribute = 1.79769313486231570814527423731704356798070e+1000
set_attribute = ["obj-set-element-1", "obj-set-element-2"]
string_attribute = "obj-string"
set_attribute = ["set-element-1", "set-element-2"]
set_nested_nested_block {
bool_attribute = true
set_nested_nested_block {
bool_attribute = false
single_nested_block {
bool_attribute = true
float64_attribute = 1234.5
Define nested blocks in the schema as follows:
func (e *exampleResource) Schema(ctx context.Context, req resource.SchemaRequest, resp *resource.SchemaResponse) {
resp.Schema = schema.Schema{
Blocks: map[string]schema.Block{
"list_nested_block": schema.ListNestedBlock{
NestedObject: schema.NestedBlockObject{
Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
"bool_attribute": schema.BoolAttribute{
Optional: true,
"float64_attribute": schema.Float64Attribute{
Optional: true,
"int64_attribute": schema.Int64Attribute{
Optional: true,
"list_attribute": schema.ListAttribute{
Optional: true,
ElementType: types.StringType,
Blocks: map[string]schema.Block{
"list_nested_nested_block": schema.ListNestedBlock{
NestedObject: schema.NestedBlockObject{
Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
"bool_attribute": schema.BoolAttribute{
Optional: true,
"set_nested_block": schema.SetNestedBlock{
NestedObject: schema.NestedBlockObject{
Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
"map_attribute": schema.MapAttribute{
Optional: true,
ElementType: types.StringType,
"number_attribute": schema.NumberAttribute{
Optional: true,
"object_attribute": schema.ObjectAttribute{
Optional: true,
AttributeTypes: map[string]attr.Type{
"bool_attribute": types.BoolType,
"float64_attribute": types.Float64Type,
"int64_attribute": types.Int64Type,
"list_attribute": types.ListType{ElemType: types.StringType},
"map_attribute": types.MapType{ElemType: types.StringType},
"number_attribute": types.NumberType,
"set_attribute": types.ListType{ElemType: types.StringType},
"string_attribute": types.StringType,
"set_attribute": schema.SetAttribute{
Optional: true,
ElementType: types.StringType,
Blocks: map[string]schema.Block{
"set_nested_nested_block": schema.SetNestedBlock{
NestedObject: schema.NestedBlockObject{
Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
"bool_attribute": schema.BoolAttribute{
Optional: true,
"single_nested_block": schema.SingleNestedBlock{
Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
"bool_attribute": schema.BoolAttribute{
Optional: true,
"float64_attribute": schema.Float64Attribute{
Optional: true,