Resources are an abstraction that allow Terraform to manage infrastructure objects by defining create, read, update, and delete functionality that maps onto API operations. Resource schemas define what fields a resource has, give Terraform metadata about those fields, and define how the resource behaves. Refer to Resources in the Framework documentation for details.
This page explains how to migrate a resource's schema from SDKv2 to the plugin Framework. We also recommend reviewing these additional guides for resources throughout the migration:
- Create, Read, Update, and Delete functions: The resource defines the logic to manage resources with Terraform.
- Import: The resource defines the logic to add a resource to Terraform's state.
- Plan modification: The resource customizes the Terraform plan for known values or behaviors outside the practitioner's configuration.
- State upgrade: The resource updates Terraform state information in advanced use cases.
In SDKv2, resources are defined by the ResourcesMap
field in the schema.Provider
struct, which maps resource names
(strings) to their schema. Each schema is a schema.Resource
struct that includes:
- A
field, which defines resource attributes - Fields for resource lifecycle functions such as
- Fields for functions to implement state upgrade (
), import (Importer
), and customize diff (CustomizeDiff
The following code shows a basic implementation of resource schema with SDKv2.
func New() *schema.Provider {
return &schema.Provider{
ResourcesMap: map[string]*schema.Resource {
"resource_example": resourceExample(),
/* ... */
/* ... */
SDKv2 defines the schema.Resource
struct as follows.
Schema map[string]*Schema
SchemaVersion int
MigrateState StateMigrateFunc
StateUpgraders []StateUpgrader
Create CreateFunc
Read ReadFunc
Update UpdateFunc
Delete DeleteFunc
Exists ExistsFunc
CreateContext CreateContextFunc
ReadContext ReadContextFunc
UpdateContext UpdateContextFunc
DeleteContext DeleteContextFunc
CreateWithoutTimeout CreateContextFunc
ReadWithoutTimeout ReadContextFunc
UpdateWithoutTimeout UpdateContextFunc
DeleteWithoutTimeout DeleteContextFunc
CustomizeDiff CustomizeDiffFunc
Importer *ResourceImporter
DeprecationMessage string
Timeouts *ResourceTimeout
Description string
UseJSONNumber bool
In the Framework, you define your provider's resources by adding them to your provider's Resources
The Resources
method on your provider.Provider
returns a slice of functions that return types that
implement the resource.Resource
interface for each resource your provider supports.
The following code shows how you add a resource to your provider with the Framework.
func (p *provider) Resources(ctx context.Context) []func() resource.Resource {
return []func() resource.Resource{
func() resource.Resource {
return resourceTypeExample{}
The resource.Resource
interface requires Metadata
, GetSchema
, Create
, Read
, Update
, and Delete
The GetSchema
method returns a tfsdk.Schema
struct which defines your resource's attributes. This is the same
struct you use to define provider and data source attributes.
The Metadata
method returns a type name that you define.
The following code shows how you define a resource.Resource
which implements these methods with the
type resourceExample struct{}
func (r *resourceExample) Metadata(ctx context.Context, req resource.MetadataRequest, resp *resource.MetadataResponse) {
/* ... */
func (r *resourceExample) GetSchema(context.Context) (tfsdk.Schema, diag.Diagnostics) {
/* ... */
func (r *resourceExample) Create(ctx context.Context, req resource.CreateRequest, resp *resource.CreateResponse) {
/* ... */
func (r *resourceExample) Read(ctx context.Context, req resource.ReadRequest, resp *resource.ReadResponse) {
/* ... */
func (r *resourceExample) Update(ctx context.Context, req resource.UpdateRequest, resp *resource.UpdateResponse) {
/* ... */
func (r *resourceExample) Delete(ctx context.Context, req resource.DeleteRequest, resp *resource.DeleteResponse) {
/* ... */
The tfsdk.Schema
is used for defining the schema for providers, resources and data sources. The Framework defines the
struct as follows.
type Schema struct {
Attributes map[string]Attribute
Blocks map[string]Block
Version int64
DeprecationMessage string
Description string
MarkdownDescription string
Refer to the Resources - CRUD functions page in this guide to learn how to
implement the resource.Resource
Migration Notes
Remember the following differences between SDKv2 and the Framework when completing the migration.
- SDKv2 uses
structs to define resources. These structs have aSchema
field which holds aschema.Schema
to define the resource's attributes and behavior. In the Framework, you define a type that implements theresource.Resource
interface, which includes aGetSchema
method that returns your resource's schema. - SDKv2 implements a resource's CRUD operations as functions on the
. In the Framework, you define a type that implements theresource.Resource
interface. The resource interface contains the functions that define your resource's CRUD operations.
The following examples show how to migrate portions of the tls provider.
For a complete example,
clone the terraform-provider-tls
repository and compare the resource_private_key.go
file in
v3.4.0 with the file
after the migration.
In SDKv2, the ResourcesMap
field on the schema.Provider
struct holds a map[string]*schemaResource
. A typical
pattern is to implement a function that returns schema.Resource
The following example from the provider.go
file defines a tls_private_key
resource within the provider schema.
func New() (*schema.Provider, error) {
return &schema.Provider {
ResourcesMap: map[string]*schema.Resource {
"tls_private_key": resourcePrivateKey(),
/* ... */
The following example from the resource_private_key.go
file defines the resource schema.
func resourcePrivateKey() *schema.Resource {
return &schema.Resource{
CreateContext: createResourcePrivateKey,
DeleteContext: deleteResourcePrivateKey,
ReadContext: readResourcePrivateKey,
Description: "Creates a PEM /* ... */",
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"algorithm": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
ForceNew: true,
ValidateDiagFunc: validation.ToDiagFunc(validation.StringInSlice(SupportedAlgorithmsStr(), false)),
Description: "Name of the algorithm to use when generating the private key. " +
"Currently-supported values are `RSA`, `ECDSA` and `ED25519`.",
/* ... */
The following shows the same section of provider code after the migration.
This code defines the tls_private_key
resource by mapping the resource name to the privateKeyResourceType
func (p *provider) Resources(_ context.Context) []func() resource.Resource {
return []func() resource.Resource{
func() resource.Resource {
return &privateKeyResource{}
/* ... */
This code defines the GetSchema
and Metadata
methods for the privateKeyResource
func (r *privateKeyResource) Metadata(ctx context.Context, req resource.MetadataRequest, resp *resource.MetadataResponse) {
resp.TypeName = "tls_private_key"
func (r *privateKeyResource) GetSchema(_ context.Context) (tfsdk.Schema, diag.Diagnostics) {
return tfsdk.Schema{
Attributes: map[string]tfsdk.Attribute{
// Required attributes
"algorithm": {
Type: types.StringType,
Required: true,
PlanModifiers: []tfsdk.AttributePlanModifier{
Validators: []tfsdk.AttributeValidator{
Description: "Name of the algorithm to use when generating the private key. " +
fmt.Sprintf("Currently-supported values are: `%s`. ", strings.Join(supportedAlgorithmsStr(), "`, `")),
/* ... */
}, nil