Consul K8s CLI Reference
Consul K8s CLI is a tool for quickly installing and interacting with Consul on Kubernetes. This topic describes the commands, subcommands, and available options for using Consul K8s CLI.
Consul K8s CLI is is currently availabe as a beta release and is not recommended for production environments.
Download and Build the Binary
Clone the consul-k8s project.
Navigate to the
directory and issue the following command to build the tool:go build -o bin/consul-k8s
(Optional) Move the binary to you
for ease of use, e.g.:mv consul-k8s /usr/local/bin/consul-k8s
(Optional) Issue the
consul-k8s version
command to verify the installation:consul-k8s version consul-k8s 0.35.0
Consul K8s CLI uses the following syntax:
You can use the following subcommands with consul-k8s
The install
command installs Consul on Kubernetes.
consul-k8s install <OPTIONS>
The following options are available.
Flag | Description | Default | Required |
-auto-approve                   | Boolean value that enables you to skip the installation confirmation prompt. | false | Optional |
-dry-run | Boolean value that validates the installation and returns a summary. | false | Optional |
-config-file | String value that specifies the path to a file containing custom installation configurations, e.g., Consul Helm chart values file. You can use the -config-file flag multiple times to specify multiple files. | none | Optional |
-namespace | String value that specifies the namespace of the Consul installation. | consul | Optional |
-preset | String value that installs Consul based on a preset configuration. You can specify the following values: demo : Installs a single replica server with sidecar injection enabled; useful for testing service mesh functionality. secure : Installs a single replica server with sidecar injection, ACLs, and TLS enabled; useful for testing service mesh functionality. | Configuration of the Consul Helm chart. | Optional |
-set | String value that enables you to set a customizeable value. This flag is comparable to the helm install --set flag. You can use the -set flag multiple times to set multiple values. Consul Helm chart values are supported. | none | Optional |
-set-file | String value that specifies the name of an arbitrary config file. This flag is comparable to the helm install --set-file flag. The contents of the file will be used to set a customizeable value. You can use the -set-file flag multiple times to specify multiple files. Consul Helm chart values are supported. | none | Optional |
-set-string | String value that enables you to set a customizeable string value. This flag is comparable to the helm install --set-string flag. You can use the -set-string flag multiple times to specify multiple strings. Consul Helm chart values are supported. | none | Optional |
-timeout | Specifies how long to wait for the installation process to complete before timing out. The value is specified with an integer and string value indicating a unit of time. The following units are supported: ms (milliseconds)s (seconds)m (minutes) In the following example, installation will timeout after one minute: consul-k8s install -timeout 1m | Optional | 10m |
-wait | Boolean value that determines if Consul should wait for resources in the installation to be ready before exiting the command. | Optional | true |
-verbose , -v | Boolean value that specifies whether to output verbose logs from the install command with the status of resources being installed. | Optional | false |
--help | Prints usage information for this option. | none | Optional |
See Global Options for additional commands that you can use when installing Consul on Kubernetes.
Example Commands
The following example command installs Consul according in the myNS
namespace according to the secure
consul-k8s install -preset=secure -namespace=myNS
The following example commands install Consul on Kubernetes using custom values, files, or strings that are set via flags. The underlying Consul-on-Kubernetes Helm chart uses the flags to customize the installation. The flags are comparable to the helm install
consul-k8s install -set key=value
consul-k8s install -set key1=value1 -set key2=value2
consul-k8s install -set-file config1=value1.conf
consul-k8s install -set-file config1=value1.conf -set-file config2=value2.conf
consul-k8s install -set-string key=value-bool
consul-k8s install -set key1=value1 -set key2=value2
The uninstall
command removes Consul from Kubernetes.
consul-k8s uninstall <OPTIONS>
The following options are available.
Flag | Description | Default | Required |
-auto-approve                   | Boolean value that enables you to skip the removal confirmation prompt. | false | Optional |
-name | String value for the name of the installation to remove. | none | Optional |
-namespace | String value that specifies the namespace of the Consul installation to remove. | consul | Optional |
-timeout | Specifies how long to wait for the removal process to complete before timing out. The value is specified with an integer and string value indicating a unit of time. The following units are supported: ms (milliseconds)s (seconds)m (minutes) h (hours) In the following example, removal will timeout after one minute: consul-k8s uninstall -timeout 1m | Optional | 10m |
-wipe-data | Boolan value that deletes PVCs and secrets associated with the Consul installation during installation. Data will be removed without a verification prompt if the -auto-approve flag is set to true . | false Instructions for removing data will be printed to the console. | Optional |
--help | Prints usage information for this option. | none | Optional |
See Global Options for additional commands that you can use when uninstalling Consul from Kubernetes.
Example Command
The following example command immediately uninstalls Consul from the my-ns
namespace with the name my-consul
and removes PVCs and secrets associated with the installation without asking for verification:
consul-k8s uninstall -namespace=my-ns -name=my-consul -wipe-data=true -auto-approve=true
The version
command prints the Consul version.
consul-k8s version
This command does not take any options.
You can also print the version with the --version
consul-k8s --version
Global Options
The following global options are available.
Flag | Description | Default | Required |
-context          | String value that sets the Kubernetes context to use for Consul K8s CLI operations. | none | Optional |
-kubeconfig Alias: -c | String value that specifies the path to the kubeconfig file. | none | Optional |