Anonymous product usage reporting
Appropriate Vault Enterprise license required
HashiCorp collects usage data about how Vault clusters are being used. This data is not used for billing or and is numerical only, and no sensitive information of any nature is being collected. The data is GDPR compliant and is collected as part of the license utilization reporting process. If automated reporting is enabled, this data will be collected automatically. If automated reporting is disabled, then this will be collected as part of the manual reports.
Opt out
While none of the collected usage metrics are sensitive in any way, if you are still concerned about these usage metrics being reported, then you can opt-out of them being collected.
If you are considering opting out because you’re worried about the data, we strongly recommend that you review the usage metrics list before opting out. If you have concerns with any of the automatically-reported data please bring them to your account manager.
You have two options to opt out of product usage collection:
- HCL configuration (recommended)
- Environment variable (requires restart)
HCL configuration
Opting out in your product's configuration file doesn't require a system
restart, and is the method we recommend. Add the following block to your server
configuration file (e.g. vault-config.hcl
reporting {
disable_product_usage_reporting = true
When you have a cluster, each node must have the reporting stanza in its configuration to be consistent. In the event of leadership change, nodes will use its server configuration to determine whether or not to opt-out the product usage collection. Inconsistent configuration between nodes will change the reporting status upon active unseal.
You will find the following entries in the server log.
[DEBUG] activity: there is no reporting agent configured, skipping counts reporting
Environment variable
If you need to, you can also opt out using an environment variable, which will provide a startup message confirming that you have product usage data collection. This option requires a system restart.
If the reporting stanza exists in the configuration file, the
value overrides the configuration.
Set the following environment variable.
Now, restart your Vault servers from the shell where you set the environment variable.
You will find the following entries in the server log.
[DEBUG] core: product usage reporting disabled
If your configuration file and environment variable differ, the environment variable setting will take precedence.
Usage metrics list
HashiCorp collects the following product usage metrics as part of the metrics
part of the
JSON payload that it collects for licence utilization.
All of these metrics are numerical, and contain no sensitive values or additional metadata:
Metric Name | Description |
vault.namespaces.count | Total number of namespaces. |
vault.leases.count | Total number of leases within Vault. |
vault.quotas.ratelimit.count | Total number of rate limit quotas within Vault. |
vault.quotas.leasecount.count | Total number of lease count quotas within Vault. |
vault.kv.version1.secrets.count | Total number of KVv1 secrets within Vault. |
vault.kv.version2.secrets.count | Total number of KVv2 secrets within Vault. |
vault.kv.version1.secrets.namespace.max | The highest number of KVv1 secrets in a namespace in Vault, e.g. 1000 . |
vault.kv.version2.secrets.namespace.max | The highest number of KVv2 secrets in a namespace in Vault, e.g. 1000 . |
vault.kv.version1.secrets.namespace.min | The lowest number of KVv1 secrets in a namespace in Vault, e.g. 2 . |
vault.kv.version2.secrets.namespace.min | The highest number of KVv2 secrets in a namespace in Vault, e.g. 1000 . |
vault.kv.version1.secrets.namespace.mean | The mean number of KVv1 secrets in namespaces in Vault, e.g. 52.8 . |
vault.kv.version2.secrets.namespace.mean | The mean number of KVv2 secrets in namespaces in Vault, e.g. 52.8 . |
vault.auth.method.approle.count | The total number of Approle auth mounts in Vault. |
vault.auth.method.alicloud.count | The total number of Alicloud auth mounts in Vault. | | The total number of AWS auth mounts in Vault. |
vault.auth.method.appid.count | The total number of App ID auth mounts in Vault. | | The total number of Azure auth mounts in Vault. |
vault.auth.method.cloudfoundry.count | The total number of Cloud Foundry auth mounts in Vault. |
vault.auth.method.github.count | The total number of GitHub auth mounts in Vault. |
vault.auth.method.gcp.count | The total number of GCP auth mounts in Vault. |
vault.auth.method.jwt.count | The total number of JWT auth mounts in Vault. |
vault.auth.method.kerberos.count | The total number of Kerberos auth mounts in Vault. |
vault.auth.method.kubernetes.count | The total number of Kubernetes auth mounts in Vault. |
vault.auth.method.ldap.count | The total number of LDAP auth mounts in Vault. |
vault.auth.method.oci.count | The total number of OCI auth mounts in Vault. |
vault.auth.method.okta.count | The total number of Okta auth mounts in Vault. |
vault.auth.method.pcf.count | The total number of PCF auth mounts in Vault. |
vault.auth.method.radius.count | The total number of Radius auth mounts in Vault. |
vault.auth.method.saml.count | The total number of SAML auth mounts in Vault. |
vault.auth.method.cert.count | The total number of Cert auth mounts in Vault. |
vault.auth.method.oidc.count | The total number of OIDC auth mounts in Vault. |
vault.auth.method.token.count | The total number of Token auth mounts in Vault. |
vault.auth.method.userpass.count | The total number of Userpass auth mounts in Vault. |
vault.auth.method.plugin.count | The total number of custom plugin auth mounts in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.activedirectory.count | The total number of Active Directory secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.alicloud.count | The total number of Alicloud secret engines in Vault. | | The total number of AWS secret engines in Vault. | | The total number of Azure secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.consul.count | The total number of Consul secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.gcp.count | The total number of GCP secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.gcpkms.count | The total number of GCPKMS secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.kubernetes.count | The total number of Kubernetes secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.cassandra.count | The total number of Cassandra secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.keymgmt.count | The total number of Keymgmt secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.kv.count | The total number of KV secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.kmip.count | The total number of KMIP secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.mongodb.count | The total number of MongoDB secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.mongodbatlas.count | The total number of MongoDBAtlas secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.mssql.count | The total number of MSSql secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.postgresql.count | The total number of Postgresql secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.nomad.count | The total number of Nomad secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.ldap.count | The total number of LDAP secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.openldap.count | The total number of OpenLDAP secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.pki.count | The total number of PKI secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.rabbitmq.count | The total number of RabbitMQ secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.ssh.count | The total number of SSH secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.terraform.count | The total number of Terraform secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.totp.count | The total number of TOTP secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.transform.count | The total number of Transform secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.transit.count | The total number of Transit secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.database.count | The total number of Database secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secret.engine.plugin.count | The total number of custom plugin secret engines in Vault. |
vault.secretsync.sources.count | The total number of secret sources configured for secret sync. |
vault.secretsync.destinations.count | The total number of secret destinations configured for secret sync. | | The total number of AWS-SM secret destinations configured for secret sync. | | The total number of Azure-KV secret destinations configured for secret sync. | | The total number of GH secret destinations configured for secret sync. |
vault.secretsync.destinations.vault.count | The total number of Vault secret destinations configured for secret sync. |
vault.secretsync.destinations.vercel-project.count | The total number of Vercel Project secret destinations configured for secret sync. |
vault.secretsync.destinations.terraform.count | The total number of Terraform secret destinations configured for secret sync. |
vault.secretsync.destinations.gitlab.count | The total number of GitLab secret destinations configured for secret sync. |
vault.secretsync.destinations.inmem.count | The total number of InMem secret destinations configured for secret sync. |
vault.pki.roles.count | The total roles in all PKI mounts across all namespaces. |
vault.pki.issuers.count | The total issuers from all PKI mounts across all namespaces. |
vault.identity.case_sensitive_mode | Whether or not the cluster is using case-sensitive identity name matching caused by historical duplicates. |
vault.identity.force_deduplication_activated | Whether or not the cluster has had the force_identity_deduplication activation flag activated. |
Usage metadata list
HashiCorp collects the following product usage metadata as part of the metadata
part of the
JSON payload that it collects for licence utilization:
Metadata Name | Description |
replication_status | Replication status of this cluster, e.g. perf-disabled,dr-disabled |