As policies become more complex, it becomes harder to understand exactly why a policy may be behaving differently than you expect.
Prior to actively debugging, there are multiple best practices we recommend following. We recommend breaking your policy down into a set of rules. This will make it easier to understand traces and make it easier to test your policies. This should help to debug policies up to a significant complexity.
Print Logging
The built-in print function can be used to log data. The print output is only shown during failures or when tracing is explicitly enabled.
The print function is variadic. Each argument specifies a value to print together, concatenated with a space in between each. You can put any type as an argument and Sentinel will convert that to a human-friendly string format.
value = 42
print("the value is", value) // the value is 42
map = { "foo": false }
print(map) // { "foo": false }
The print
function returns the value true
so that it can also be
used within rule expressions. Note that if short-circuiting is occuring
within the boolean logic, the print
function may never be reached.
The runtime contains a special case where print
will not short-circuit
its own logic, so print() or expr
will always evaluate expr