Import: http
The http import enables the use of HTTP-accessible data from outside the runtime in Sentinel policy rules.
At the center of the import is the get()
function, which issues a GET
request and returns a response
import "http"
resp = http.get("")
main = rule { resp.body contains "something" }
By default, any request response that is not a successful "200 OK" HTTP
response causes a policy error. See
for more information and
how to customize this behavior.
For more advanced requests which require setting request headers, use a
import "http"
import "json"
param token
req = http.request("").with_header("Authorization", "token "+token)
resp = json.unmarshal(http.get(req).body)
main = rule { resp["some_key"] is true }
The with_header
function above returns the request
object with the
HTTP header set to value of the variable some_value
. Many
of the methods within the http import API are designed around this concept
of method chaining, allowing for complex building of HTTP requests
encapsulated in functions. The following is an idiomatic example further
demonstrating this pattern:
import "http"
import "json"
param github_user
param github_token
client = func(req) {
return http.with_timeout(5).with_retries(3)
github_request = func(path) {
full_url = "" + path
return http.request(full_url).
with_basic_auth(github_user, github_token).
with_header("Accept", "application/vnd.github.v3+json").
with_header("Custom", "foo"),
default_response = client.get(github_request("/example"))
# Override the Custom header for this single request
custom_header_response = json.unmarshal(
github_request("/example").with_header("Custom", "bar"),
# Override the timeout value for a known slower request
slow_response = json.unmarshal(
some_key_is_true = rule { json.unmarshal(default_response.body)["some_key"] is true }
body_contains_text = rule { custom_header_response.body contains "something" }
response_is_ok = rule { slow_response.status_code is 200 }
main = rule { some_key_is_true and body_contains_text and response_is_ok }
Retrieve the base HTTP client with default settings. The returned client may be
configured by calling configuration functions on it; all of these configuration
functions on are also aliased as top-level functions in this namespace. See
Create a new request
to the specified url
(string). A
type enables customization of headers and other concerns before then
providing the constructed request
to get()
req = http.request("").with_header("Foo", "bar")
resp = http.get(req)
Type: client
All of the following configuration functions on the default client are also
aliased as top-level functions in the import. This allows a short-hand (and
idiomatic) way of configuring a new client without having to directly access
each time:
# The following two lines are semantically the same:
resp = http.client.with_timeout(5).get(url)
resp = http.with_timeout(5).get(url)
Issue a GET request with a URL string or a request
type. Returns a response
When url_or_request
is a string, a GET request is made with the URL
specified by the string. To customize HTTP headers and other settings, pass
a request. By default, a request has a timeout value of 10 seconds and 1
retry. These settings can be adjusted with with_timeout()
, respectively.
If the response is one of the following redirect codes, get()
follows the
redirect, up to a maximum of 10 redirects:
301 (Moved Permanently)
302 (Found)
303 (See Other)
307 (Temporary Redirect)
308 (Permanent Redirect)
If the redirect limit is exceeded, the result is a policy error.
By default, after any redirects are followed (up to the maximum), any request
response that is not a successful "200 OK" response causes a policy error. See
for more information
and how to customize this behavior.
Configures a client to not automatically cause a policy failure if
the resulting response's status code is in list
. Any status code received
that is not present in this list will trigger a runtime error.
By default, any request response that is not a successful "200 OK" response causes a policy error. This is for convenience, as the most common scenario by far is to receive a response and immediately signal a policy error if the status code is not 200. Use this scoping to specify a list of non-redirect HTTP codes that you wish to accept without error and evaluate the response yourself.
Redirects are not considered final status codes in this context. That is,
redirects are always followed up to the maximum allowed value (see get()
and the final response code in the redirect chain is validated against
resp = http.accept_status_codes([200, 404]).get(url)
main = rule { resp.status_code is 404 }
Returns a list of the client's accepted status codes.
client = http.accept_status_codes([200, 404])
main = rule { client.accepted_status_codes contains 404 }
Sets the maximum number of retries, specified by integer
, that should be
attempted on an unsuccessful request. An unsuccessful request is considered
to be any 5xx response except 501 (Not Implemented)
or a request timeout.
By default, one retry is attempted.
The maximum number of retries is 10, for a total of 11 request attempts. When a request exceeds the maximum number of retries without a response, the result is a policy error. Specifying a number larger than this will result in a runtime error.
Between each retry, an exponentially increasing delay is observed, allowing time for the server to recover. This delay starts at 1 second for the first retry and increases each attempt thereafter. The maximum delay for a single attempt is 30 seconds.
Retries can be disabled by specifying 0.
Returns the client's configured number of retries as an integer.
Sets the request timeout to the number of seconds indicated by integer
Each individual request performed by the HTTP client will be limited by the given request timeout. This timeout includes connection time, any redirects, and reading the response body.
A maximum of 30 seconds is allowed. Specifying a number larger than this will result in a runtime error.
By default, requests will time out after 10 seconds.
Returns the client's configured timeout in whole seconds as an integer.
Skips verification of TLS certificates during secure HTTP operations,
allowing for requests to https://
endpoints which are secured with a TLS
certificate signed by an untrusted certificate authority. Takes no arguments.
By default, the HTTP client will trigger a runtime error if a TLS certificate presented by a server is from an untrusted certificate authority.
Do not change this setting unless you are aware of the risks involved. Without verification, TLS accepts any certificate presented by the server and any host name in that certificate. In this mode, TLS is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks. This option should only be used for testing or in trusted networks with self-signed certificates.
Returns true if the client requires TLS certificates to be verifiable.
Type: request
Returns the request URL as a string.
Returns the configured request headers as a string-keyed map of strings.
request.with_header(key, value)
Returns a request
with the header key
(string) set to value
Values are overridden on subsequent calls to the same key
. To specify
multiple values, use the existing value when setting the new one.
original = http.request("").with_header("Foo", "bar")
overridden = original.with_header("Foo", "baz")
multi_value = original.with_header("Foo", original.headers["Foo"] + ",baz")
main = rule {
original.headers["Foo"] is "bar" and
overridden.headers["Foo"] is "baz" and
multi_value.headers["Foo"] is "bar,baz"
request.with_basic_auth(username, password)
Returns a request
with the Authorization
header set to use HTTP Basic
Authentication with the provided username and password.
Note that with HTTP Basic Authentication the provided username and password are encoded, but not encrypted.
Type: response
The response status code as an integer, e.g. 200
The response headers as a map.
The response body as a string. Callers should unmarshal the content to a useful representation as necessary based on the content type. For example, if the response is in JSON:
import "http"
import "json"
# This example endpoint returns {"some_key": true}
req = http.request("")
resp = json.unmarshal(http.get(req).body)
main = rule { keys(resp) contains "some_key" and resp["some_key"] is true }