Boundary v0.3.0
The release notes below contain information about Boundary v0.3.0, Boundary Desktop v1.1.0, as well as new features since Boundary's 0.2.0 that became available in 0.2.x releases. To see a granular record of when each item was merged into the Boundary project, please refer to the Changelog. To learn about what Boundary consists of, we highly recommend you start at the Getting Started Page.
Lastly, for instructions on how to upgrade an existing Boundary deployment to v0.3.0, please review Boundary’s general upgrade guide.
Boundary v0.3.0 Highlights
Boundary Desktop for Windows: Boundary Desktop v1.1.0 gives users the ability to connect to remote targets and view active session details. Boundary Desktop is now available for both Windows and MacOS.
Managed groups: Managed groups allow the population of Boundary groups based on external IdP metadata. This feature allows users of our OIDC authentication method to automatically create groups based on the IdP they’re integrating with over OIDC.
OIDC configuration improvements: Administrators can now configure Boundary authentication from OIDC identity providers in the Boundary admin console and Boundary's Terraform Provider.
What's Changed
For detailed information of all changes since 0.2.0, please refer to the Changelog