Manage Roles and Permissions
Roles in Boundary manage the permissions given to principals (Users/Groups). Roles can be defined at the global, org, or project scopes.
In this example, we're going to show you how to create a role in Boundary, assign that roles grants, and assign principals to the role.
Note that all resource IDs in this example are illustration only - IDs are uniquely generated for every resource upon creation with the exception being
generated resources in dev
mode. Please make sure to use the resource IDs that are generated when running this example. For example, if you run
boundary roles create
, use the resource ID of the role seen in stdout, not the ID in the example command.
Create a Role
Roles can live in the global, org, or project scopes. In this example we will create a role in the generated org scope in dev
$ boundary roles create -scope-id o_1234567890 -name my_role -description "My first role"
Role information:
Created Time: Fri, 09 Oct 2020 14:19:22 PDT
Description: My first role
Grant Scope ID: o_1234567890
ID: r_kHY8tQteXr
Name: my_role
Updated Time: Fri, 09 Oct 2020 14:19:22 PDT
Version: 1
ID: o_1234567890
Name: Generated org scope
Parent Scope ID: global
Type: org
Assign Principals to a Role
Users and groups are granted permissions to perform actions by assigning them to a role.
boundary roles add-principals -id $role_id -principal $principal_id
Role information:
Created Time: Fri, 09 Oct 2020 14:45:47 PDT
Description: My first role
Grant Scope ID: o_1234567890
ID: r_CqEl81Io1C
Name: test
Updated Time: Fri, 09 Oct 2020 16:31:39 PDT
Version: 2
ID: o_1234567890
Name: Generated org scope
Parent Scope ID: global
Type: org
ID: u_gAv6YgVtVs
Type: user
Scope ID: o_1234567890
Assign Grants to a Role
Grants describe the actions that the principals should be allowed to perform. For more information on how to format grants see Permission Grant Formats. In this example we give a role read and list permissions to all resources.
boundary roles add-grants -id $role_id -grant 'id=*;type=*;actions=read,list'
Role information:
Created Time: Fri, 09 Oct 2020 14:45:47 PDT
Description: My first role
Grant Scope ID: o_1234567890
ID: r_CqEl81Io1C
Name: test
Updated Time: Fri, 09 Oct 2020 17:15:47 PDT
Version: 3
ID: o_1234567890
Name: Generated org scope
Parent Scope ID: global
Type: org
ID: u_gAv6YgVtVs
Type: user
Scope ID: o_1234567890
Canonical Grants: