Connect to your first target
The Quick setup wizard is the fastest way to onboard a target to HCP Boundary.
The Quick setup wizard creates a default tcp
target with the address
and the port 22
(the default SSH port using TCP).
When you execute boundary connect
against this target, Boundary establishes a local, authenticated proxy to the address on the target's default port (
Connect using the CLI
To connect to the initial EC2 Instances target:
Copy the EC2 Instances target ID (such as
).Open a terminal session. Export the Boundary Cluster URL as an environment variable.
$ export BOUNDARY_ADDR=<boundary-cluster-url>
Connect to the target.
$ boundary connect -target-id ttcp_eTcZMueUYv
The output displays the address and port that your SSH client must use.
The boundary connect
command has a number of notable options, such as
to choose the port on which the connect command will listen for
an incoming connection. This is convenient for allowing Boundary to work with
applications that allow you to select the connection address, but not the port.
For some applications there are still some extra hurdles that can exist, which
is why connect helpers can be useful.
The dev-mode default target allows you to make as many connections as you want
within the authorized session. When you finish making connections, a
to the boundary connect
process shuts down the session.
Select targets
When you use boundary connect
, you must identify the target used for connecting.
The convention in this documentation is to use the target ID because it refers to a
single explicit value.
Other supported flags include:
: The name of the targettarget-scope-id
: The ID of the scope in which the target livestarget-scope-name
: The name of the scope in which the target lives
Note however that these other flags are not uniquely identifying, as you may reuse names across scopes. Therefore, if you don't use the target ID, you must use the target's name in conjunction with the scope name or scope ID so that Boundary can identify the correct target.
Here is an SSH example in dev-mode:
$ boundary connect ssh -target-name "Generated target" -target-scope-name "Generated project scope"
Connect helpers
Connect helpers automatically accept host SSH key prompts for you.
The connect helper format is boundary connect <subcommand>
Boundary includes connect helpers for the following connection types:
- Kubernetes
- PostgreSQL
Refer to the Connect helpers documentation for more information.
Exec flag
In addition to the built-in connect helpers, boundary connect
can accommodate executing clients even when there is no built-in support
for a specific client using -exec
. The -exec
flag is a powerful
tool, allowing you to wrap Boundary TCP sessions in your preferred
client. You can use this flag to create an authenticated proxy to almost
Refer to the Exec flag documentation for more information.
SSH ProxyCommand
SSH ProxyCommand
lets you proxy an SSH connection to a target according to a configuration file that you create.
It can help simplify common developer and operator workflows.
You can configure the file to connect to the target ID or the target domain.
Refer to the SSH ProxyCommand documentation for more information.
Desktop client
While you use the desktop client, choose the target and connect to retrieve local proxy details.
Refer to the Connect to your First Target tutorial for steps on how to create a host catalog, host set, and a target in Boundary.
Next steps
Refer to the basic administration workflows tutorial series for in depth discussions on managing scopes, targets, identities, and sessions.